Looking for rare items..

It's like eating a broken glass. Can you please improve the search on trade market in 3.13? Please keep us updated what you are working on at the moment and what's your future plans.

Last bumped on Nov 13, 2020, 12:28:59 PM
Trade Manifesto

On the trade market, we're experimenting with the opposite end of the trade spectrum, where it's very easy to complete trades but more difficult to find the exact item you're looking for. You can search broadly by a specific item class or type, but have to look through a lot of search results to find the one you want to make an offer on. This system intentionally makes the search process harder and the trade process easier, for quite a different trade experience. We're not planning to bring it to the international PC version of Path of Exile.
Added emphasis.

Are you aware that there is an Announcements section that details a lot of their future plans?

3.13 Launch Delayed until January
Our Reasoning Behind the 3.13 Launch Delay
How We're Developing Our Next Expansion Differently
What We're Working On - 1 Month old, but they did fix the crashing they were getting close to.
Patch Notes. - Seems to be about every week or so right now we get updates of what they have fixed.

They do a great job of letting us know what's going on, you just gotta look for what they're saying.
I feel like an asshole now. Cheers buddy. Ill buy few a mistery boxes as my punishment.
Didn't mean to make you feel bad, sorry if I did. This is a huge forum there's lots hidden until you discover it. I'm sure there's plenty that I still don't know.

FYI, There are ways to search easier within the search function, iirc L3 in game to see the full list.

But as an example if you NEED an item with all 3 ele resists you can type in:
"fire resist" "cold resist" "lightning resist"
You will still have to go page by page, but it's a lot less to look at. You will see the crafted mods as well, keep that in mind, some people craft on a 3rd resist just so you see their item.

I should have included that in my first message, sorry for it coming off in an aggressive way with no information to help you search better. Hope this message finds you better :)
Matt_AsA_Hatter wrote:
Didn't mean to make you feel bad, sorry if I did. This is a huge forum there's lots hidden until you discover it. I'm sure there's plenty that I still don't know.

FYI, There are ways to search easier within the search function, iirc L3 in game to see the full list.

No, not the full list. Just most of it.

Matt_AsA_Hatter wrote:

But as an example if you NEED an item with all 3 ele resists you can type in:
"fire resist" "cold resist" "lightning resist"

C'mon man, don't torture the yourself. Or others.

If you need all three resists as separate rolls, please search for:

"e res" "d res" "g res", not that 500 character string you made.

"s res" gets you Chaos Resistance.
"l res" matches both "all resistances" (very rare) and "all elemental resistances" (much more common).

Also, keep in mind that if double resists exist on what you're looking for (like Jewels), those are listed with both words, an "and" and "resistance" at the end, so "d res" will find "Cold Resistance", but not "Cold and Lightning Resistance". That's a made up example, I'm not sure if those are actually listed in that order. A convenient way to look is to check Two-Stone Rings, they have the resists listed in the order they always are, AFAIK.

Other tips:

The entire item text is searchable. So one way to find out what patterns to put in your search is to go to pathofexile.com/trade, find the item on PC, click the "copy" button, and then paste the resulting text into a text editor.

You'll notice, for example, that Enchantments (like Lab Enchants, jewels enchants like those from harvest, body armor enchants from Heist, etc) actually use the word "Enchantment" in their text, so you can search for "Enchant" or likely just "Encha" to find items that have *any* enchant, if you're not looking for a specific one.

There's lots of other tricks like this.

For example, when searching Large Cluster Jewels, you may want to use "Adds 8" to limit it to 8 passive clusters.

Use "Synth" for Synthesized items, "Veil" for Veiled items that haven't been unveiled yet, any influence name for influenced items (Warlord, Crusader, Hunter, Redeemer, Shaper, Elder).

Technically you can match socket patterns, but it's not very useful.

For example, you could match "B-G-R" to find an with those links... but that won't match "G-R-B", which is probably just as good for you, right?

The most useful thing for this is if you want a 6L item with all sockets the same color, especially all white sockets from double corruption.
That's "W-W-W-W-W-W".

But, honestly, those are pretty easy to spot even without filtering.
Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Nov 12, 2020, 9:12:03 PM
Cool, shortcuts are always nice to know, appreciate the pointers. The console seems to remember the word once you type it twice, as soon as you hit the " a whole list pops up so it hasn't been that much torture. Less to type is always better though.

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