[PS4] 3.12.4d Patch Notes
Console Specific Changes
- Added console guilds. To purchase a Guild Stash Tab points have to be donated to the guild through the website, then the guild leader can buy tabs through the MTX shop guild section.
- Added stash tab affinities. Find out more about affinites here. Please note, support for stash folders will come at a later date.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in the Labyrinth.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur within inventories.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur while navigating the passive tree around cluster jewels.
- Fixed a bug which caused gems to loop their level up animation.
- Disabled stash tab re-ordering while in currency use mode.
General Improvements
- Perception doors in Repository Heists can now be walked through as soon as the door is visibly opened.
- The quality effect granted by Anomalous Lesser Poison now grants "chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Killing Blow against Enemies with at least 5 Poisons" as the previous quality effect did not work.
- The Azurite Mine is now capped at Depth Level 65,535.
- Spectred They of Tul no longer use abilities when not in combat.
- Improved the variability of ground textures in the Glacial Expanse Hideout.
- Updated the Towering Hideout features to more closely match its preview video.
- Fixed an issue where Gianna could fail to open a Heist door when in a Grand Heist Wing which also contained Nenet.
- Fixed an issue which could cause Agility Jobs to not be completable if the Job was aborted after the lever had been pulled.
- Fixed an issue introduced in 3.12.4b which could cause "increased Job Speed" modifiers to instead reduce Job Speed.
- Fixed an issue where Engineering and Agility traps could get into a state of being unable to be deactivated during Lockdown if you had previously deactivated them during the Imminent Lockdown period.
- Fixed an issue where stacks of currency that were converted to a different currency type as a result of a Heist Trinket modifier didn't retain the correct stack size. This affects Chromatic Orbs and Jewellers Orbs.
- Fixed a bug where the Jeweller's Touch prophecy didn't respect Heist enchantments which restrict the colour of sockets to a specific colour.
- Fixed an issue which could cause distant Delve areas to not be clickable, preventing you from travelling to it.
- Fixed an issue where The Purifier's weapons were unable to perform any attacks.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the quality effects on Anomalous Caustic Arrow, Anomalous Onslaught Support and Divergent Nightblade Support from working.
- Fixed an issue which could prevent throwing Mines after using Shield Charge.
- Fixed a rare issue where the order, names and colours of Stash Tabs were not correctly inherited from those in the parent league.
- Fixed an instance crash that could occur during the Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows encounter.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when exiting Path of Exile.
Last edited by Natalia_GGG#0000 on Nov 10, 2020, 7:05:48 PM Last bumped on Nov 12, 2020, 7:17:49 PM
Posted byNatalia_GGGon Nov 10, 2020, 3:32:19 PMGrinding Gear Games
Added stash tab affinities. Find out more about affinites here. Please note, support for stash folders will come at a later date.
Fixed a client crash that could occur in the Labyrinth.
This enterprise is AWESOME!
I'm so happy to stay here.
Thx to each one who makes happy. From the Janitors till the Developers!!!
Posted byZigfreedg_BR#9288on Nov 10, 2020, 4:14:07 PM
Been complaining for over a year finally its here GG
Posted byXxCOD5DEVILxX#9191on Nov 10, 2020, 5:02:38 PM
So they fixed an issue shift attacking on the ps4 eh...
Never in doubt. Gj Chris and the team as always.
You guys are a true AAA publisher, your size of your hearts that you give to us players is worth more then any company has given us. Warframe too...ya I know it comes off cheesie but you don't hear it as you should either.
Thank you!!!
Posted bySurvious#9959on Nov 10, 2020, 6:25:03 PM
Carmelbearbwar wrote:
So they fixed an issue shift attacking on the ps4 eh...
No, they fixed that as a 'General Improvements' if it was for console it would have been under 'Console Specific Changes'
Fixed an issue where Shift-Attacking an enemy with Flicker Strike could bypass Flicker Strike's maximum range.
glad were getting this fix for sure
Posted bycammoflauge5#9741on Nov 10, 2020, 6:58:51 PM
are we going to get stash tab folders as well in a future update?
also, is it possible to somehow add the list view on the side of the stash like pc, to make navigating tabs easier when you have like 50+ tabs
Last edited by cammoflauge5#9741 on Nov 10, 2020, 7:32:53 PM
Posted bycammoflauge5#9741on Nov 10, 2020, 7:29:30 PM
Fixed a client crash that could occur while navigating the passive tree around cluster jewels.
Awesome thanks
Guides(old, not updated)
LL BV Trickster - /1699146
CoC Quill Rain - /1668121
Posted byCaelsora#7914on Nov 10, 2020, 8:51:25 PM