Some semi-random photos

I recently had to put my book collection into storage, so I took the opportunity to replace all the mismatched boxes I did have them stored in with boxes that are all the same size.

This is them all boxed up and ready to go. As a size reference, the can in front of them is 500ml (17fl oz). There is also another full box the same size of books that I haven't read yet, which I didn't put into storage. 80% of the contents are sci-fi and fantasy with the remainder being classic novels and text books.

Probably the most interesting books in the collection is this edition of The Canterbury Tales. It has no publication date, but I took it into a specialist bookstore once, and they estimate that based on the name of the publisher, it's probably from the mid to late 19th century.

This next photo is the last photo I took on a holiday I took just after the lockdown was lifted here in NZ. It's the last stop we took on our way home and is about a two hour trip from where I live.

And this is where I intend to go for my next outing (as soon as we get some nice weather - this summer has had crappy weather so far). It's about a three hour trip from where I am (two hours by car and then a one hour walk). This is definitely my favourite beach because the water is always clear and warm, and for such a nice beach it's very secluded. This is the busiest I've ever seen it and this was taken during the middle of the busiest tourist week our region has.

Last bumped on Dec 21, 2020, 8:26:16 AM
Love the photos, New Zealand is so beautiful! Nice collection of books, or boxes rather, if you have any other neat gems feel free to post 'em!

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