On Void Leagues
So... why do Void leagues still exist?
I know hardly anyone ever plays standard (there are a few), but the existence of a place where all the stuff you accumulate during Leagues goes to when the League is over is psychologically beneficial. With the recent Voided events, I *really* lost motivation toward the end. For the characters that weren't in the running for a Demi, what was the point of playing the last day or two of the league? I mean, sure, playing the game itself is fun. And I liked Endless Delve so much I kept going right to the end, but part of that was running my first ever HC character in an attempt to get a Demi. AFAIK, the original reason for Voided leagues was to avoid potentially severe impact on the Standard economy. But Harvest wrecked a million "mirror-tier" items in Standard, making them no longer "mirror-tier". And Heist blueprint fracturing craps out WAY more loot and currency than even Mayhem. I get why the old leagues that had Legacy items in them were voided. You don't want to make more Legacy items in Standard, thus devaluing the existing Legacy items. But the new Mayhem didn't have Legacy items. Sure, Endless Delve had the starter Uniques (the Descent Champions items). I guess it wasn't worth the effort to code Voiding just those items. Would it really have been that bad to introduce those items to Standard? AFAIK, they've never existed in a non-Void league, so you wouldn't be devaluing any existing items. One of the things that keeps me going at the end of an event is that I might get to add an item or two to my Unique Collection tab in Standard. It also adds joy to finding those items. Finding those items in Void leagues (which I did, twice), brought the opposite of joy. IMO, there was no good reason for the Mayhem league to be voided. The Endless Delve I guess had the Starter Uniques. I hope that you (GGG) will seriously consider not Voiding future events that don't offer anything you can't get from the current league. There's literally nothing in Mayhem you couldn't get in Heist. Last bumped on Dec 30, 2020, 6:22:37 PM