Out of Sync - Prefer the Player!

We all know, you don't care much about playerfeedback from consoleplayers, BUT: Dont let the player wait any longer until the awful server gives him feedback about his positioning!

Every single movementskill causes desync! Even Quicksilvers do. If you play Melee even more.

Ever tested Flickerstrike on your live-servers? Not possible to play! Why? Because all the info the client is sending is getting ignored by your server. At some point, mostly while you surrounded by a new group of enemies, your server says: "Nope!" and ports you back. Most of the time, to a place, where another group is still hitting you since 20 seconds or so and you eat all their dealed damage at once, no time to react and rip. Fun in Hardcore btw. Not!

You can play flawlessly and have to die because of this.

Solution: Prefer the Player! The Player tells the server his position - thats all, nothing more. If you have to double check all because of speedhacking pc player - who cares? We are on consoles, we are not allowed to run any kind of third party programms. And on top of it, we will never get in touch with PC-Players, so why we should suffer due to it?
Last bumped on Feb 19, 2021, 4:55:58 PM
Because of the way the game works, I don't think they *can* just use the player (client) info.

However, I have an alternative suggestion for GGG:

Why not fix it so that movement skills actually *do something* in desync situations?

99% of my Desync Deaths are because the game rubber-banded me back to exactly where I was before hitting Flame Dash (or Dash or whatever).

But the Server clearly *knows* I used Flame Dash. Why is the default assumption, when Desync occurs, that the Flame Dash did NOTHING?

On console, movement skills only have a vector and their built-in distance. Why not have the Server use that vector and distance to move us to a new location? And, just like the client does, if the new destination is not possible, move us as far it can. We should only ever get stuck in place if it is not possible to move at all. Like if we are Flame Dashing directly into a wall or attempting to cross a gap that is too large.

When I Flame Dash from the center of a Ritual in an open map, there is ZERO reason I should ever not move at all.

To make matters worse, if I manage to survive the first Desync, there is a nearly 100% rate of a second Desync occurring if I try to Flame Dash again.
If this is so... they have to make it work. I dunno, but PC players have the opportunity to macro-spam /OOS... Autobind it to movementskills with a tiny delay inbetween to update the position until a solution is found for example? This should be easily get done at the actual state of the game.

Yeah this wouldn't be perfect, but it would solve the problems with those huge difference between server- and clientinfo about the characterposition.
It's not movement skill or flask, there is no reason at all. This league i experienced desync by just walking, sometimes with rollback of roomS away !
Don't look for improvement anymore, their game is no longer, and will never be again, able to run on console, that's it...
Groshok wrote:
If this is so... they have to make it work. I dunno, but PC players have the opportunity to macro-spam /OOS... Autobind it to movementskills with a tiny delay inbetween to update the position until a solution is found for example? This should be easily get done at the actual state of the game.

Yeah this wouldn't be perfect, but it would solve the problems with those huge difference between server- and clientinfo about the characterposition.

The OOS macro thing is extremely old, if you were reading about it or hearing about it on Twitch or something.

It was a janky workaround before PC had lockstep. That was ages ago.

Now, they could make a built-in OOS Macro and give us a checkbox to enable it... but it would probably cause as many or more problems as it solves.

And please note, in the example of Flame Dash desync, the /oos does literally nothing useful. It just pops you back (rubber-band) sooner, if it didn't happen almost immediately anyway. Which it does.

It would help with Cyclone, and that's about it.
Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Feb 19, 2021, 4:56:40 PM

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