gameplay suggestions

1) an "auto-accept" feature for console. meaning if i list something for 1ex , and someone matches my asking price the trade will automatically go through. can be turned on/off per tab or item as well.

2) this one is probably a long shot, but ill suggest it anyways, cross console trading. so if i have something for trade on xbox, a PS user can purchase from trade board, and visa versa. this would help the economy greatly, and at least somewhat make prices become more affordable. especially for new players. because one of the biggest turn offs for new players i see is how expensive everything is (on console prices are 3x-5x more than PC).

3) remove the "visit menagerie" option from the options when clicking another player. so if i am in a party and want to warp to player, on that mini menu. i dont know why it was added and it really makes no sense to have. plus its just one more option to scroll down.

4) an in game way to edit/customize your loot filter. so maybe in the settings when you are selecting which filter you want, have a menu that can be opened and be able to check/uncheck at least the basics.

5) (this one i beg of you GGG) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, have an option on at least standard, for when you create a new character it will have all the acts completed. so you basically start in Oriath. keep the character level 1, and the extra "skill quests" dont have to be done either. we dont mind leveling manually or doing the side quests, but being forced to run through the story for every new character is so obnoxious (at least on standard). also make this option only available after you complete the acts on either standard or league at least once, but this option only available for new standard characters.

thanks GGG
Last edited by Slappmunkey#8995 on Apr 2, 2021, 10:48:58 AM
Last bumped on Apr 2, 2021, 10:46:18 AM

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