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Any good arrow build after AoF Patch?

Hey guys, im new at PoE and wanna play something that can survive all difficulties.
My first character was 1h axe + shield marauder but im quite bored after last patch cuz it takes me to kill 1 mob in 3(4-5 for blue named ones) shots.
So, i saw some builds with Burning Arrow and Split arrow, they look quite fun to play and so much dps but i dunno they are able to play since AoF removed at last patch.

So thats it i guess. Thanks for everything and excuse my bad english :)
Last bumped on Jan 21, 2018, 3:43:14 PM
From what I've heard, the removal of AoF REALLY hurt their damage and survivability. Players on the legacy server who used to farm chaos without problems have pulled off 3-4 deaths in a single day and lost more exp than they gained.

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