Unintentional interactions - Other interactions in need of attention

Thanks GGG for changing the behavior of Ultimatums and the overlap with flasks.
This made me compile a list of other interactions in need of ui rework.

I'm sure there are others I can't remember right now, but all of those below could be improved by using hold button stead of pressing.

NPC dialogue in maps
One can unintentional start a dialogue when in combat close to a NPC, at higher tiers this seconds can easily cause death.

The option to apply currency to a Strongboxes is the same slot as many use for skills, Triangle on Ps4. At higher tiers opening this screen can easily cause death.

The option to apply a ritual blood vessel is the same for skills, Triangle on Ps4. You can unintentional apply a blood vessel if pressing this skill close to a Ritual totem.

Last bumped on Jun 16, 2021, 10:15:51 AM

Are there specific NPCs you have issues with? We typically set NPCs to be very low on the targeting priority so it should be very hard for you to interact with them if any monsters are within range.
Adam_GGG wrote:

Are there specific NPCs you have issues with? We typically set NPCs to be very low on the targeting priority so it should be very hard for you to interact with them if any monsters are within range.

Any NPC that shows up in maps can trigger this behavior. Some people just don't assign skills to X but we already have such a small number of skill slots.

Zana, Envoy, Niko, Alva, Cassia. Pretty much all NPCs that show up.

I don't think making NPCs less of a priority is a solution. Sometimes you are moving fast and mobs are still far away.

I think the ultimatum hold option is quite an elegant solution to this.
For me, personally, Zana is by far the worst offender for this.
Another extremely necessary implementation is the use of a skill when moving the character, as it already has on the PC, several constructions use this mechanic to improve the gameplay.
Last edited by Marcelo Leibniz#8246 on May 6, 2021, 7:32:06 PM
Adam_GGG wrote:

Are there specific NPCs you have issues with? We typically set NPCs to be very low on the targeting priority so it should be very hard for you to interact with them if any monsters are within range.
The biggest offenders are those who hang around in the middle of the conflict area.

Tane, for example, or any NPC in a Delirious map (as conflict tends to be map-wide - so you're more likely to be fighting near them).

Tane is particularly frustrating, because any kind of kiting will see you using the interact button (for skills) near him. I've died plenty of times due to this.

Another interaction issue is with Breach 'chests'. The interaction priority makes it really hard to open the hands while enemies are nearby.
Adam_GGG wrote:

Are there specific NPCs you have issues with? We typically set NPCs to be very low on the targeting priority so it should be very hard for you to interact with them if any monsters are within range.

breach are more relevant now with all the changes in the game and this is great. but during breach event it is really hard to target and click breach 'chest' when there is other monster around. alot of time wasted or simply failing to click them before breaches end.

not sure if this can be fixed in targeting or if we can change how breach work on console, exemple if those chest could be broken like a vase or legion army monster or any other better idea.
Agree. Give Clasped Hands a super high targeting priority, please.
+1 for breach hands
You forgot to mention essences.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.

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