Syndicate Encounter's / Console vs PC : 1 - 3
Dearest GGG.
Give us a good reason why on console we only have one syndicate event per open map while on pc they have 3 events per map. I find this imbalance absurd in a season where end game crafting is almost totally based on syndicate. Since you are doing practically NOTHING to fight the scourge of price fixers and scammers (they control everything from normal alteration to head hunter including cards), which negatively affects any player's gaming experience at least try not to unbalance the game. Last bumped on May 17, 2021, 7:21:33 PM
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" The reason has been given. Multiple times. The way Syndicate encounters work on PC, it is required that a map with Syndicate has to load ALL syndicate assets into memory (voice lines, etc), because a player's actions in one encounter can affect what can happen in other encounters. PS4 and XB1 don't have enough RAM to do this. " We get triple rewards to make up for the fact that we only get one encounter per map. Do your research before posting this kind of thing. | |
" you basically justify their giving us a car without wheels, but I don't find it fun to hit the accelerator without moving forward. They make games they don't sell ham. " It's not about having more drops. In this way they have created a functional season on PC and non-functional on Console from the moment in which to get where you get on the PC I have to use three times the resources than them. If they can't do anything for "RAM" reasons then give us triple Jun's missions. They have focused core crafting on Veiled mods (Aisling in research), too bad we can only use it at 1 third of potential. |
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" Uh? What? This literally doesn't make sense. It's a typical nonsense distraction "argument" that means nothing. Your console is literally not capable of doing things in the same way as the PC does. GGG came up with a solution for this. It is not perfect, but it is not terrible either. In some ways, the Console version of Syndicate is MORE rewarding. In others it is less. There is no way to make it exactly the same. " It's not just drops that are tripled. Did I say "drops" are tripled? No, I said "rewards". We get triple drops, triple XP, and triple benches/chests in normal safehouses. Sadly, for Mastermind, we get triple Mastermind Intel, instead of triple benches/chests. " You have to use three times the resources to do *what*? There is almost nothing on console that takes 3 times the resources to do. You've made bad assumptions. " Nope. It's not 1/3rd the potential. If you have good luck, you could technically get a T4 Aisling every 3-4 maps. Now, that's super unlikely, but luck plays a big roll in PC Syndicate farming as well. PC the minimum is roughly 8 maps. So we can actually farm *more* T4 Aisling than PC can, if we get lucky. We just have greater RNG effect in the process. | |
" is an example I would give my 6-year-old son to make it clear that something is not working as it should. I know very well how works. the problem is not the experience, it is not the triple of the drop it is not the triple of the intelligence but the fact that we have 1/3 of the power of decision on the table. If in each map they find 3 syndicates each event they can decide 9 times per map what to do. us 3. (maybe you have a tip on how to get to Catarina and asling lvl 3 in 4 maps like you say I don't know, you never stop learning in this game) this implies 3 maps, 12 chisel, 3 alchemy, 3 vaal, 12 scarabs to do what they do in one map (among other things in a market where these items cost 3 times as much, but that's not the problem.). If you don't have "Luck" as you say it could take much longer than 8 maps just to bring Aisling into research. Until it was a fundamental piece of the season I had never asked myself the problem, it was fine with me, but since it has become fundamental for crafting the problem is evident. |
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I forgot, since they removed the atlas missions from the awakening bonus we are also penalized from this point of view because to interact with the same number of syindicate members we have to use 3 times the number of missions from the map device
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" This is a *very* different argument than you started out with. I agree that our inability to interact with an equal number of syndicate members presents a challenge, especially for Safehouse Leaders, who a reluctant to show up in encounters. It was the largest flaw in our Syndicate system on console prior to this league. " This is a very disingenuous argument. Those chisels, alchs, vaals, and scarabs have *ZERO* effect on Syndicate, so there is no reason for you to be including them in this calculation. You still get ALL of the benefit of those items, regardless of the amount of Syndicate members appearing in a map. The only costs of yours that are tripled (specifically in regard to creating threads or moving people on the board--not related to rewards at all) are Maps and Jun missions. " From a fresh (post-Mastermind) board, to get to Aisling 4 requires these steps: 1) Rank Aisling to Level 3, and get her in Research 2) Complete a single Safehouse with a Rank 3 leader 3) Advance the Syndicate board by 3 turns after that Safehouse For step 1, find Aisling in Valdo's Rest with the "Test of Loyalty" node allocated. This could happen is as little as 1 map. If Aisling was already Rank 1 (which is possible, not all members are Rank 0 after board reset, many are Rank 1), then she will immediately go to Rank 3. Moving her to research is a matter of luck and creating the right threads. There's also a decent chance she'll already be in Research. For step 2, the greatest challenge is finding a Safehouse Leader (who is guaranteed to be at least Rank 1). Again, do this in Valdo's. It is technically possible for this to happen in the same map as you get Aisling. Assuming Aisling was already in Research, the encounter in that map was NOT a Research encounter, and at least 3 members were present, you could do all of steps 1 and 2 in a single map. Super unlikely, but it is possible. Simultaneously, you'll need to get enough intel to do the safehouse. This can take as little as 1 additional map, or much much longer. You could also achieve this in Act 9 without burning any maps. Just make sure you've gotten intel toward the Safehouse in at least 1 high tier map. For step 3, just to reset Foothills or Quarry until you get Syndicate encounters 3 times. You can see it is technically possible with insane luck to get the whole job done in 2 maps and 3 Act 9 Syndicate encounters. Not very likely. But possible. Far more likely it will take 10-20 maps and 12 or so Act 9 Syndicate encounters. On PC, the minimum number is 5 maps or something? I'm not 100% clear on how much safehouse/Mastermind intel they get per turn. Again, their average number of maps is going to be something like 10-20. They need fewer Act 9 Syndicate encounters. It is a disparity, but it is not the immense gulf you make it out to be, and you don't argue with honesty or integrity. " Certainly. But you can also perform that task in Act 9, if you're so concerned about your Maps and Missions. PC players who target farm Syndicate make *heavy* use of Act 9 for adjusting/fixing/advancing their board. | |
" I don't see where there is a lack of honesty or integrity. I started the discussion by asking why the difference with respect to the PC. the problem they presented with respect to the possibility of having it as on a pc dates back to 2 years ago. in 2 years they have changed everything, both in the game and in playstation software. Maybe now they would be able to implement it. when I open a map I don't open it white but I open it juicy to have fun. so I use all of the above and more. I will try to follow the guide of luck where it is explained that if you are lucky you do it in a map and a few turns in act 9 (that if I were a game programmer I would immediately remove this option since an end game content should not be farmed in the game tutorial) but that if you have no luck maybe ... in the end game it is essential to optimize time / farming by investing the right amount to get the most out of it. we are penalized compared to pc players in the mechanics of the season. I don't even understand why you keep defending the indefensible. most likely some concepts will not be clear due to the google translation but the gist of the matter remains that. |
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