Feedback of this League
I have to say this league I feel has a bad balance. The drop rate improvement but nerf to craft modifiers has made the game take longer to accomplish the same stuff in the limited time we have in this league. I feel if your not spending money to buy currency to perfect your craft you are not getting to do all the end game content. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to get to that point where you can breeze through all the content. It feels like a job in a sense and I get it's free to play but the player base is in different classes and it feels at this point if your not on 24/7 and spending 2/3rds of the time trading your not going to do all the content in this game.
People got jobs, have families, and a social life not saying this game should be made a lot more easier for the casual player but there should be a better balance so more people can get through the atlas and be able to complete all the content. The server instability with rubber banding has in my opinion been at it's worst this league and before anyone goes nay saying about it I use an ethernet connection and have a very high speed that I pay for I know the issue is not with my connection. Previous leagues were less lagful and rubberbandish then this league. The nerf to crafting making it harder to get your resistances straight is I think slightly overnerfed and should be drawn back a bit. As great as path of exile is with all it's content giving much to do it is becoming less fun and with it's repetitiveness with which I feel is a minimal reward for the time invested in doing the same things over and over to get it. One of my biggest issues this league is the loading I have seen it more then ever this league that while I am on the loading screen I can hear the mobs beating on my character and when the load screen is gone I am almost dead, conqueror fights having their attacks go and hit you before you are fully loaded in from the fade to black switch & certain boss fights lagging hard as soon as the boss does it's first attack. I do note that I am on a PS4 Pro and I know most likely people will say get a ps5 that is not a reason to upsale a console for better stability a game should be stable on all it's consoles thats why there is different versions of it. The bottom line is the game is becoming more pay to win. You are forced to trade which is fine not an issue but it is too dependent on trading to get a somewhat start then you must heavily grind all the mechanics for crafting modifiers and keep rerolling gear till you can make a decent piece of gear just to get to the end which burns you out of your currency and currency grouped up does not drop enough and the player base console has is not reliant enough to trade currency out. This in a sense forces people not me I don't do this but I know people do rely on purchasing currency from third party websites. When people get 20ex 200 chaos orbs 400 fusings & 600 jewelers orbs for $60 all that people are doing is just purchasing to reroll gear which almost feels it has to be a dependable way to play the game if you want to do all the content on max awakener level, fight the maven, the trial master, uber elder & shaper, uber Izaro & etc. There needs to be an overhaul and the game should be in a state where it is enjoyable to play and not feel like a job you have to grind weeks upon end to get up a few tiers in maps till you hit your next brick wall. Last bumped on May 20, 2021, 6:23:47 PM
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" What are you talking about here? There was literally no change at all to crafting Resistances. Unless you're talking about the Harvest nerfs? Even that is confusing as an argument... I've never had any trouble capping resists, and I played SSF without Harvest multiple times. If you feel like you're hitting brick walls in progression, I have two strong suggestions: 1) Make sure you follow League Start SSF guides. Most generic guides are made for PC trade league, where anything that isn't insanely rare can be purchased for a few chaos, so even "super budget" PC guides may be difficult to obtain gear for on console. SSF guides focus on gear you can easily farm or craft for yourself. 2) When you feel like you're hitting a wall, ratchet it back a little bit and farm easier content. You'll get way more progress from speed farming a bunch of T6 maps than you will from struggling through a few red maps with multiple deaths per map. Point 2 is *especially* true in Ultimatium. Even in T1 Maps, fully clearing 7 rounds of Ultimatum will be quite rewarding. Maybe not every single time, but every 2 or 3 maps you should be getting multiple Chaos, and probably a 6S/5L. |