[PlayStation] 3.15.1 Patch Notes
Please note that this update includes patch 3.15.0f. The notes are included at the bottom for your reference.
Console specific notes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented Advanced Mod Descriptions from being seen on Trade Offers.
- Added vendor recipes for converting Instilling Orbs to Enkindling Orbs and vice versa. You'll need to discover these recipes for yourself, but they're not hard to work out.
- Quality on the Divergent Flamethrower Trap Skill Gem no longer grants 0-20% increased Cast Speed. It now grants 0-20% increased Trap Throwing Speed.
- Quality on the Phantasmal Seismic Trap Skill Gem no longer grants 0-60% reduced Cast Speed. It now grants 0-60% reduced wave frequency.
- Maven’s Memory Game no longer restarts upon re-entering the area if you died and left the area during it.
- Completing the Heart of the Grove Harvest encounter for the first time now unlocks 5 extra Horticrafting Station crafting slots for those in the area at both the start and end of the fight, instead of just the instance owner.
- The “30% increased Stun and Block Recovery” upgraded Soul of the Brine King Pantheon Power is no longer obtained by capturing Otesha, one of the Iceberg Map bosses. It is now obtained by capturing Glace, the Beach Map boss.
- Reduced the chance for Expeditions to spawn in the Quarry.
- Added support for combining the Scavenger and Overseer Microtransaction Character Effects (from the recent Mystery Box) into the Midnight Pact Microtransaction Character Effect.
- Improved the Stygian, Celestial, and Automaton Necrolord Boots and Gloves Microtransactions to make them more distinguishable.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Remnants were not affecting the chance to drop an additional Map from Runic Monsters or Excavated Chests.
- Fixed a bug where Logbooks with the implicit “Area contains Vorana, Last to Fall” modifier could sometimes fail to spawn Vorana.
- Fixed a bug where Medved, Feller of Heroes was classified as a Runic monster, and as a result, could be affected by Remnant modifiers that affect Runic monsters.
- Fixed a bug where Expedition Logbook subarea minibosses would be affected by Remnant modifiers that apply to Runic monsters.
- Fixed a bug with the seed generation of Expedition NPC shops.
- Fixed a bug where some Ancient Kalguuran Text could be unreachable.
- Fixed a bug where Shield Crush could fail to deal damage if your back was up against a wall.
- Fixed a bug where you were able to use Explosive Concoction with an off-hand Weapon and a disabled main-hand Weapon.
- Fixed a bug where Manabond could deal damage through walls.
- Fixed a bug where Hexblast was missing some of its visual effects.
- Fixed a bug where the Summoned Reaper could not destroy pots with some of their attacks.
- Fixed a bug where the Summoned Reaper’s two consume skills shared a cooldown.
- Fixed a bug where the duration of Lightning Warp could only be affected by the Less Duration Support.
- Fixed a bug where the Vaal Ice Nova skill gem stated it interacted with Frostbolt projectiles, it does not.
- Fixed a bug where the Spellslinger and Arcanist Brand skill gems were missing the “Trigger” gem tag.
- Fixed a bug where Smoke Mine was not triggering the “Used when you Use a Travel Skill” Flask Enchantment.
- Fixed a bug where Mirage Warriors summoned with General’s Cry would not be able to use Shield Crush with the Wolf Howl Warcry or Celestial Warcry Microtransaction effects equipped.
- Fixed a bug where Chill and Shock reflected to you while using The Fulcrum could sometimes be removed when killing monsters.
- Fixed a bug where the “Reused when you stop being affected by this Flask’s effect” Enchantment was reusing the Coruscating Elixir Ruby Flask every 2 seconds.
- Fixed a bug where the Victim Maker Cluster Jewel Notable Passive would apply Malediction to enemies Cursed by you when 66% of the Curse Duration expired, rather than 33% of the Curse Duration.
- Fixed a bug where Unearthed Monsters summoned by a Priest of the Chalice Spectre would remain in the area they were summoned. They now despawn if they are left behind in the area they were summoned.
- Fixed a bug where some monsters were not actually frozen when encased in an Essence Crystal.
- Fixed a bug where Lures were failing to spawn the correct number of Red Beasts.
- Fixed a bug where you could not complete Zana’s “Slay the Invasion boss” mission in the Dry Sea Map.
- Fixed a bug where the Thicket Map boss could stop moving and attacking.
- Fixed a bug where the Glacier Map boss no longer used Leap Slam.
- Fixed a bug where the Expedition Locker Affinity was not functioning properly if you tried to stash applicable items while viewing a Unique Stash Tab.
- Fixed a bug where the Heist and Expedition Lockers did not warn you they were full on a particular item when you had an Affinity applied to them.
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to purchase Whakano’s items with Control-Click.
- Fixed a bug where mini life bars were shown for friendly monsters on full health.
- Fixed a bug where the description of Winged Bestiary Scarabs was incorrect.
- Fixed a visual bug where active Flask Duration bars could extend past the Flask User Interface.
- Fixed a bug where the Soulkeeper Demigod Weapon could not be applied to Thrusting One Hand Swords.
- Fixed a bug where Totem Skin Microtransactions were using incorrect animations when applied to Ballista Totems supporting Storm Rain.
- Fixed two client crashes.
- Fixed an instance crash.
3.15.0f Patch Notes
- Increased Logbook drops from Runic monsters in Expedition by 54%
- Expedition Artifacts now have higher stack sizes in maps, and scale up more with map level.
- Vendor rerolls from Runic monsters now drop in stacks of 1-2 in white maps, scaling up to stacks of 1-4 in red maps.
- Map Curse modifiers no longer have increased effect.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug with the Summon Reaper skill which allowed for a second separate Skill Gem with Supports to command the Reaper.
- Fixed a bug where using Mortal Conviction with Flesh and Stone allowed activating a second aura with no reservation cost.
- Fixed a common instance crash.
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2021, 5:44:39 PM
Posted byCommunity_Teamon Aug 5, 2021, 8:03:26 PMGrinding Gear Games
Thanks for your hard work and getting this out to us as fast as you did.
Posted byVecalius#9584on Aug 5, 2021, 8:08:07 PM
Does this include the gwennen gamble buff to rates or is that a later patch?
Thanks for the update specially for the mods on curses.
Sorry for Reaper was fun.
Posted byAtto361#9767on Aug 5, 2021, 9:05:19 PM
EmeraldCube042 wrote:
Does this include the gwennen gamble buff to rates or is that a later patch?
Normally our patches include all Hotfixes that come out prior to the patch, so I would guess it does.
But it would be nice to get confirmation one way or the other from GGG.
Posted byQQPQ#9136on Aug 5, 2021, 9:06:44 PM
Is the patch up for download?
Posted bypra-lima87#9599on Aug 5, 2021, 9:09:10 PM
Yeah for sure don't want to waste the reroll to later find out its not here yet
ya would like to know if this includes the gwennen buff
Something really messed up with this patch.
Crashing a lot on ps5
Posted bypra-lima87#9599on Aug 5, 2021, 9:35:08 PM
you forgot to add in these patch notes
"now accepting an offer from the trade market causes your screen to go blue!"