Some improvements please

Hi guys :)

First of all, I'm playing POE for about 4 months and I really like the game, altough I still feel like a complete noob regarding the complexity of the game ^^
But beyond this intended complexity, especially on console there are too many drawbacks in comparison to the PC-game but also to other online-games in general.
I guess most of them are known or have already been listed here, but still I want to post a collection of things, that annoy me the most. And most important, I think those are things, that are not highly complex game-mechanics to change, but a matter of quality of life and could be handled in any way:

Trade (biggest annoyance in my opinion):
- Crossplay for the trade market please!!!
(e.g. a 6L-thicket bow (non corrupted), which is offered here from about 10-12 c (PC), is offered on PS4 for at least 5-6 ex... WTF?!)

- more filters!!!
(wasting hours a day on the trade market window - maybe even without success because of the pricing of the items - is absolutely frustrating)

- automatically trade, if price is set and paid

- option to switch language In-Game
- option for key-binding (flasks)
- option for zoom out further (more than what is possible now)
- stash arrangement / overview (can get very confusing; maybe change it like it's on PC; top down)

As said, I think most of this is quality of life and should be doable.
But if it's not doable currently, please consider it at least for POE2.
Things like no detailed filters on trade are absolutely outdated.

Thanks :)
Last edited by Duuderino#9469 on Aug 25, 2021, 12:38:16 PM
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2021, 5:42:23 PM
We 'could' fix the trade system... -Chris Wilson
Duuderino wrote:

Trade (biggest annoyance in my opinion):
- Crossplay for the trade market please!!!

Crossplay with PC will never happen, in any way, ever.

Nor do I (or many other players) want it.

Duuderino wrote:

(e.g. a 6L-thicket bow (non corrupted), which is offered here from about 10-12 c (PC), is offered on PS4 for at least 5-6 ex... WTF?!)

This is mostly about supply & demand based on player count. PC has literally 100x as many players as console.

While it may *seem* like buying stuff on console is *way* more expensive... this is only really true if you only buy, and never sell.

You see, if you want that 6L Thicket Bow, then you should *sell* some stuff that will sell for 1-2ex per item on Console, but would be 5-10c on PC.

You make more money, and spend more money.

PC players are much more able to afford things without ever selling... but they also can't make any money selling slightly better than average or slightly more rare items, while console players can stack up exalts from selling this stuff.

Duuderino wrote:

- more filters!!!
(wasting hours a day on the trade market window - maybe even without success because of the pricing of the items - is absolutely frustrating)

Are you aware that the Stash and Trade filters use Regex?

You can do all sorts of crazy filtering stuff if you learn how to use Regex and what the textualized versions of items look like (try copying an item off the PC trade website and pasting it into notepad or some other text editor).

Duuderino wrote:

- automatically trade, if price is set and paid

Pretty much everyone wants this, but GGG keeps pushing back, so don't expect it.

As a follow up to the whole thing, have you seen Chris's response to the one Console question that was asked during the Baeclast podcast? Go watch it, if you haven't.
Thanks for the posts and infos!

Haven't seen the podcast yet, but will check it soon. Guess it has to do with Blaze Amk's post?!

Ok, if crossplay with PC will never come, maybe with other consoles (Xbox). I think a little bit more competition and supply would not be that bad.

And yeah, I know about the text filter and I use it, at least a little bit. Especially for very specific gear, I think it's some work. On PC it's maybe quick to handle, but the typing on console takes some time. (But maybe I haven't figured out an easier way so far.)

And with the pricing, you could be right. The problem I got here (and maybe some other new players too) is that the high-value loot drops mainly in higher tier maps etc. To sustain there I need to gear up, what is not that easy, because I don't have the currency (and/or RNG). It's like some kind of a vicious circle ^^
(Although I have to admit, that I'm not too experienced on what to focus so far.)

A lot more to learn I guess...

Duuderino wrote:

And with the pricing, you could be right. The problem I got here (and maybe some other new players too) is that the high-value loot drops mainly in higher tier maps etc. To sustain there I need to gear up, what is not that easy, because I don't have the currency (and/or RNG). It's like some kind of a vicious circle ^^
(Although I have to admit, that I'm not too experienced on what to focus so far.)

A lot more to learn I guess...

This is why I always recommend that new console players start with SSF League Start guide, even if playing trade league.

SSF builds are designed to be usable with only the gear you find yourself, and will only include specific Uniques or similar if they are fairly easily farmable.

Honestly, you may be overestimating what it takes to progress to high-tier mapping.

Unless you're not following a guide at all? If you're 100% self-designed, then it will probably take you a few leagues to make it to the point where you will be easily clearing T16's and killing "big" bosses like A8 Sirus and Maven.

But, prior to the 3.15 nerfs, there were builds that could clear T16's with mediocre gear, including only being on 4-link.

After the nerfs, you need slightly better gear and a 5-link, except maybe the most OP builds. Even those builds though would not be *comfortably* clearing T16's on a 4L.

Learning how to craft gear can also save you a ton of currency, and even generate some if you craft extra pieces to sell.

For example, a LOT of players are playing Bleed SST (Spectral Shield Throw) this league, so very high armour shields are quite valuable.

They're a little harder to sell now than they were in the first week or so of the league, but you can still make some profit.

Or, if you are playing that build, you can save yourself several exalts by buying (or farming) some fossils and resonators to craft your own high armor shield instead of buying one.

When evaluating a build guide, or designing your own build, for console you should never require super rare items. Items that are 20-30c on PC can often be 10ex+ on console. This is exaggerated even further because some guide creators are irresponsible and will just look up prices when designing the guide (which is often the end of the previous league) and list those prices, when the prices people really care about for a league start build are day 1 & 2 prices. It doesn't matter that a 6L Terminus Est is basically free late in the league on PC if you're trying to get one on day 1. Even with PC player counts, that's going to be multiple exalts on day 1, which you likely will not even have yet at that point.

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