s oif you look at my profile and stats internally. i have ran alot of logbook, 81-85 and although i have completed the other 3 bosses on multiply times i havnt had 1 single Olroth fight, why? considering you want players to do "conditional fight requirements" it would be nice if i could get just one fight with him, i love the effeort to do the challenges, but what fun are the challenges if youre not even getting a oppertunity to even try them there no 100% chance im even gonna be able tobeat him 1st try so what hope do i have to complete 4 seperate challanges as well if i cant even proc him and yes i know i have to get the Knight of the sun on the logbook and pick that s danning is the NPC host and over 81 area for it to proc, and i know RnG but if you look at how many i have ran and not got one?, on top of this if it is just RnG then the last 2 days (again look at my account to see how many maps i ran) Logbooks just seem to be non existant so either up the logbook drops, or make Danning more prominant in running maps, or make the boss proc sooning running logbooks please =) thank you in advance also im dyslexic so sorry about the terrible spelling Last bumped on Sep 13, 2021, 4:53:49 PM
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I can't tell you spawn rates, but I can tell you that the bosses are gated by both Logbook NPC and Area Level.
Olroth only appears in Knight of the Sun (Dannig) logbooks, and I've heard the minimum ilvl is 82. | |
" yea i know its Danning and the Kinghts of the Sun and its a Min of Area 81 logbooks iv watched a thousand videos on YT about it, what im saying is iv ran like 20-30 logbooks area 81+ (Knight of the sun) and not seen a single Olroth, i know its RnG on spawns but you think i would have hit aleast one boss in fact it seems like in hoigher tier maps all together Danning seems very thin in spawn rates, and then when he does logbooks are non existant |
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I pretty much feel actually really stupid for recommending this (knowing how shit the trade board on console is), but why don't you just buy a logbook with the boss already on it? Like these ones (I know this for PC, but just giving an example):
https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/XeP66nJFP Or is that a different thing or doesn't work or what's up? Last edited by Cejon Raul#8149 on Sep 9, 2021, 4:34:49 PM
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" thats all iv been doin so basically i have 54 logbooks completed over level 80 (but iv only been running 81+ and 96% of them have been Knight of the sun, iv been buying logbooks at 40-50c each and i think iv bought about 30-40 of them, and no1 has got a "contains Olroth" on the logbooks infact no1 has even got a includes a boss in the mods of any type, on the trade page only "knights of the sun so been risking running them like i said over tier 81+ and still nothing, GGG are more than welcome to look into my account so they know im not chatting crap im 100% legit personally i dont think a "league" mechanic should be resorted to the hope that someone on trade is selling one and selling one at a reasonable price over the lest 3 days i have ran maps pretty much non stop. in T14-T16 maps again feel free to check into my account GGG and feel free to post numbers so i can see, and in these maaps i have got next to No artifact drops, almost zero rerolls, and about 5 logbooks literally in about 150-200 maps id say, ALSO on top of this i have ran lower tier maps (70-72) and i got 3 logbooks straight away and a shed ton of artifacts and rolls its completely messed up, im currently 34 in the seasonal challenges, and i honestly feel at this point that GGG gate the chaleanges and the drops required behind some sort of timed wall or something, because i was flying through the challenges and now iv hit a brick wall. even blighted maps have stopped dropping and iv even thought Maven spec'd the "blights drops oils and blighted infused maps" into the Maven tree in Lira its and they dont drops Blighted Maps its the same thing that happens with Harvest if you spec that in its as if it knows you want it so makes it rarer, and stops it spawning in doing the oppisite. the reason i feel this is gated is because iv ran the challenges too quickly and they purposely slow you down to either A) keep you on the game or B) really dont want you getting the MTX too quickly now this might all be just in my head but this is how i feel as a player iv put alot of hours in this season, like alot!! and i know when drops have changed and things feel different in the game and its getting to the point were its not fun anymore and i just want to quit the league and go off and start playing Call of duty again now because its becoming tedious to be doing the same thing day in day out without a progression result. its like at the start of the season when it took me 2600 orbs of fusion to link my armour which was holding me back from progression i almost walked away from the league then and its getting that way atm Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Sep 10, 2021, 4:01:59 AM
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Well boys we did it finally i got a Olroth in a expedition, i ran Expeditions lvl 81+ and it only took me the mear low amount of logbooks of 62 yes that's right i got 1 Olroth for running 62 logbooks level 81+ id say maybe 5-6 of those were possibly different logbook types from Kinghts of the sun the ones you need for Olroth to spawn in, but hey that's pretty good ratio isn't it considering i have to buy about 25 of the logbooks because drops seem to have been halfed, and then on top of that not all of them have Knights of the sun in but apart from that i feel it went pretty good, good job i beat it first try tho don't really fancy doing another 60 logbook to try and get one lol
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