Trade Search Function on the PoE Trade website for Console Leagues
kindof a quick thought that I figured I would post here
I was just wondering if it would be possible to add a search tab in your existing trade website for console leagues? Currently it is very hard to find niche items with specific modifiers on console. Needing to search through hundreds, if not thousands of tabs on the MP Quite often I find myself looking for an item with 2 or 3 niche modifiers, and dont care about the item base. The current MP search function makes finding items like this near impossible If t is not possible to add a function like this, could you explain why? Thanks Again, Cammo Last bumped on Oct 31, 2021, 10:01:11 AM
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Even better, if you could implement a search function like this in game.
Pretty sure I have hear you talk about why this is not possible in the past, but that you are trying to work on a system like this for pc. |
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any update?
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Chris actually specifically mentioned this in their community interviews. They had intended to allow the trade website searches to work for console but it made finding items in trade too easy and was problamatic for them. They are currently not intending to add it but that could always change in the future.
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“It made finding items in trade too easy.” ….. how the hell is that his reason to keep from adding it.
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Trade is a pain something has to change.
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Any change to improve trade for consoles is very unlikely imo
From what i can remember from various interviews it's difficult to find what you want by design. Items either have to be difficult to find or difficult to acquire once found. So for pc players items are easy to find but difficult to acquire because you have to physically meet up with the person and conduct the trade, which i personally don't think is difficult, maybe just a little inconvenient if anything. For console it's the opposite, items are difficult to find but easy to acquire because we can instantly get the item. However in my experience this isn't the case because you don't actually get the item instantly do you. No, you have to wait for the other person to respond (if they ever do) and then accept the price (which they can still reject even if you offer what they asked) before you get the item. Just for fun what would this look like as a RL purchase. You go to a store to find what you want, it's a mess it takes forever as there are thousands of items just like the one you're after all over the place in no particular order but eventually you find something that's close enough to what you need. You take your item to cashier to make the purchase Cashier says "sorry i can't sell you that until the manager arrives you will have to wait" "ok well how long will he/she be?" Cashier says "don't know maybe a few mins maybe a few days you will have to wait, i have no idea" So you wait.....and wait.....and wait Finally the manager shows up You proceed with the purchase....but the Manager says "oh you want to buy this do you? for the price listed? no, i don't think so, i've changed my mind you can't have it" But i spent alot of my time finding this and then waiting for you to show up i need this item. manager says "too bad not my problem, you will have to start over somewhere get out" So yeah ,i feel like it's hard for console to find and acquire items, both are harder than it is for PC. Add to that the pricing/availability/price fixing we have to deal with makes it feel like enforced SSF for everyone when the game is balanced around having access to items via trade we mostly can't get. Something needs to be done, current trade isn't fit for purpose and needs a vast rethink of how it works, at the very least let us purchase a priced item if we pay the asking price. Another solution would be to balance the game differently for console to better reflect the reality of the economy.We have a much smaller player base, which means less availability of items and higher prices. Also we don't have bots providing easy access to cheap vast amounts of the essential basics to help crafting etc. I know it's a balancing act to get trade right but right now it's heavily balanced against us and feels time consuming and punishing. I don't want the game to be too easy but also not like this with added artificial difficulty built in. I would play leagues alot longer if i had better trade, i could progress builds better and have more fun with them and then move onto another build when i get bored of it. Rather than try an off meta build that isn't op to get stuck in a loop of needing lots of currency to craft/upgrade the build, but needing better gear to farm the currency to even be able to do that. It's a vicious circle that encourages me to only play the most powerful meta builds each league. Yes high experience players with good game and crafting knowledge can do just fine regardless, but i don't feel like that's the majority of the plyerbase.Most people have limited time but still want to have fun with the games they play and QOL is king. I'll end the rant now, i could go on but i'll just finish by saying i love this game and i just want it to be better and more fun for evryone not just no lifers and streamers. |
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