Post your feedback for this skill here!
Make sure you concisely state your character build, level, and other complimenting abilities you have when you talk about a skill - The more we know about your character, the better we can understand your feedback. Last bumped on Sep 9, 2024, 9:47:15 AM
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Level 62 Explosive Arrow Ballista Champion.
I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with Tornado, as it doesn't seem to interact with Explosive Arrow or Ballista Totems in any meaningful way. As far as I can tell the Ballista arrow damage and the fuse explosions are completely ignored. This probably isn't the intended use of Tornado, but still.. adding any interaction whatsoever so I can justify keeping Tornado in my build would be great. Thanks. Last edited by Lothrik#6806 on Oct 23, 2021, 1:02:57 AM
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Level 74 Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder.
When you throw a projectile from Poisonous Concoction into a Tornado nothing happens, is this intended? would be pretty cool for the Tornado to absorb the chaos dmg from the Poisonous Concoction projectiles and turn green. In the description of Level 1 Tornado, it just says ""Can be hit by your projectiles upto 20 times", it doesn't say Bow Skill projectiles etc so just by looking at it's description, it should work with Poisonous Concoction. Gotta love this game meng.
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Hi, started using Tornado with spark on inquisitor, and I know my spark touch the tornado thanks to the visual cue (tornado throwing lightning) but I have no clue if I hit the tornado 1 time or 20 time or even how much dmg I store on it.
I think it would be great to get a icon like plague bearer with the stored dmg in the top left or if it's too complicated maybe an icon with the number of times we hit the tornado. That would help to know if we are using it correctly or if we can improve our dmg with the skill because right now it's hard to say if I'm efficient with it or not since spark run all over the floor I don't really if I hit the tornado or not. |
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Attempting to hit the tornado skill with projectiles like fireball the spell seems to favor targeting enemies that are behind or beside the tornado instead.
This makes the skill feel very clunky and difficult to manage. Also, the tornado feels a bit slow, sometimes it gets stuck in the middle of nowhere even though there are enemies nearby. |
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Levelling up with Tornado has felt a bit clunky, because it's slow to cast at low levels and costs a lot to cast. But as you progress it starts to feel better and is very nice as a utility boss culler.
Because you have to fire projectiles into it, it's not helpful that the tornado spawns on you instead of in front of you or where your cursor is (like all other tagged orbs). You have to either backtrack or turn around to fire projectiles into it. Also I have no clue how many times I'm hitting it because projectiles only pierce and there's no visual/stack indication, something like a Tornado buff would be helpful. The visual effects are very nice for Fire & Lightning but Cold could do with a visual boost would love to see a heavier winter storm. Being Ele Hit, it looks like am I only getting one type of proj snapshotted, but should I not be getting all three? Hydro Sphere is able to stack both cold & lightning and visually show it, isn't it? | |
Level 56 Chieftain
League started as Cremation wanting to use Tornado for more single target/fun. Cremation cannot proc Tornado with its projectile hits its seems and this is really unfortunate. Other skills with area components do work such as Blazing Salvo. Admittedly Cremation doesn't work exactly like that but I still think it would be nice if cremation could work with Tornado. |
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What I noticed, is the Tornado spell is affected by arrow projectiles, but only if they originate from the player and there is no extra components to it.
So only bow attacks that focus on the initial hit, you know, the skills that don't need Tornado at all, can affect the tornado. This 100% needs to be in a patch soon. |
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Lvl 70 Chieftain EK / Tornado
hi guys, did you notice that you can outrun your active tornado with gem lvl 16/10% (85% increased movement speed for the tornado with enchantment on helmet) while you only have 17% movement speed. Is there some kind of weird interaction with movement for the tornado? |
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played this skill all the way up to level 72, inquisitor battlemage poison-crit-scourge arrow-tornado
the fact that the Tornado is limited by any and all terrain is incredibly dumb. it's a freakin tornado. also it moves wayy too slow. this is especially apparent in scourge. the skill felt fine in the acts, but as soon as i got to maps it was kind of a joke.. one slow moving AoE... Void sphere kind of helps.. Why doesn't the tornado have a suction component like void sphere? Its a freakin tornado!!! but since there is a limit of only one tornado at a time, and it's pathfinding leaves much to be desired.. and it is only cast directly next to your character... there's ZERO compelling reason to play this skill instead of Hydrosphere. especially in scourge where the mobs are all on crack and if you don't explode the whole screen at once, you die to leaping dashing nonsense. the starting animation has very muted colors and is not easy to tell if you got a successful cast when there is a lot going on on the screen (like... anytime in scourge) it can be hard to tell if you got stunned during a cast and it didn't go off,... until it's too late. (the only one tornado limit trains you not to spam cast, casting it multiple times will also get you killed as the damage resets and it has to go through the first duration of bad pathing before it starts seeking) the damage is fine, it absolutely ate up bosses act3-act8. it just has serious QOL issues. Last edited by waffenheimer#3798 on Oct 30, 2021, 10:22:33 PM
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