These points come up often in other threads, but putting it together a bit and starting from general guidelines:
- Keybinds should be discoverable. Even the advanced ones. There's a mapping in source code somewhere and item in that mapping should have at least nominally accessible UI to go with it. I shouldn't have to search to figure out that RT+D turned off all my loot labels.
- Keybinds should be configurable. This solves so many problems all at once. Look at a game like Elite: Dangerous for the ridiculously customizable version, but really just the ability to specify a single shift (modifier) combo and a single button will enable 99% of players to do what they want.
- Analog stick presses should never be used as a shift/modifier. Sticks, by design, are moving around all the time; they aren't meant to be held down. You have to press down hard to achieve it reliably at all angles, and that feeds into the durability issues that sticks already have.
- Triggers are the natural choice for shift/modifiers. This is reflected (partially; see next point) with skill binds, but then thrown out the window for other places. There's no hotbar conflict in the stash UI and no reason that triggers shouldn't be used there.
- With multiple modifiers, combining them should be an option. On PC, we know and expect that 1, ctrl+1 and ctrl+shift+1 will do different things. With the limited options on controllers, it's crucial to have things that use no trigger, one trigger, and both triggers. Ordered application of modifiers ("hold LT and then hold RT" being different from "hold RT and then hold LT") as an advanced option is also a great idea with precedent (see: FFXIV).
Applying these to some specific issues:
- As is mentioned all over the place right now, the "activate league mechanic" bind needs to change. "Hold down the left stick and then press the left-middle thing" is never good, but it's especially bad for Scourge since nightmare activation/deactivation, unlike Expedition explosive placement/etc., is extremely timing-sensitive. Alternative options non-exhaustively include making it a bindable pseudo-skill like dynamite or flares, binding it to a trigger-modified down arrow (move "hide labels" to the hard-to-reach bindings), or opening up potion hotkeys (bumpers, L/U/R) as modifiable keys and using those in some way.
- More skill/hotbar slots are badly needed. We effectively have 11 general-purpose slots. If you reserve two for Delve (very disruptive if you don't), and then have a handful of buffs/pets/etc., you're down to 6 or fewer available bindings for "real" skills. That makes a lot of builds downright unplayable without the massive QoL hit of unbinding/rebinding on every death/rebuff. LT+RT is a no-brainer for four more; LT->RT and RT->LT (as an advanced option) for a total of 8 more would be even better; additionally opening up the ability to use potion/map keys as modifiable binding targets in addition could create up to 32 more options.
- Stash navigation is way too clunky. Triggers are not reserved in this interface and they should be used for all modifier behavior (LT/RT+X to bypass affinity, LT/RT+L/U/D/LB/RB for checking boxes, etc.). Page "settings" pages should be on the menu/start/equivalent key for both summoning and dismissing. Right now, "hold the right stick and press down" to navigate into/out of a folder makes this otherwise very nice feature practically unusable, and that's entirely unnecessary--why isn't this just U/D?
- Similarly, filters are globally too clunky. Trade interface, skill interface, stash interface, etc.; RS+L/R is much too disruptive. A trigger modifier with one of the face buttons would be a much better choice--in a way that doesn't impede normal navigation with LS.
- D-pad for potions is problematic. D-pad presses (L/R/U/D) require you to either move your thumb from LS or do a very long reach across the controller with your other hand. This makes three of our five potion slots at best unergonomic. Given how important flasks are with simultaneous movement, this makes life a whole lot harder without a controller with bindable paddle buttons. Making these part of the general purpose binding pool, even if the defaults stay the same, would enable a lot of players to play differently.
Alright, that's a long wall of text and still hardly complete, but hopefully it's a bit more parsable (and maybe even useful; I can dream) than another "omg controller so bad GGG fix" thread.
Last bumped on Nov 13, 2021, 1:51:22 PM
Posted byNyrin#8384on Nov 8, 2021, 3:17:03 PM
Great points.
And since GGG doesn't like to be told solutions, only problems, let me boil it down for you, GGG:
L3 (and R3) should *never* be used in situations where you might be in combat. Find a different solution.
Also, the inability to modify any bindings besides skills and delve items is very frustrating.
Posted byQQPQ#9136on Nov 8, 2021, 3:27:58 PM
I agree, all valid points and these are things that bother me and alot of others i know also (other than trade, but i won't go there), especially the L3 stuff. You,re totally right about sticks not being designed to be held down, it's only designed to be quickly clicked, not held in place, and doing so takes alot of force and can lead to pain.
The new league button combo is one of the worst offenders imo, it's just not fit for purpose and actually gets you killed and can lose you loot/gear. There is enough cheap bs in this game without this kind of thing to deal with. If it isn't resolved in some acceptable way soon then it will be the final straw for me and i'm done for good. Having the main mechanic for the whole league actively working against you is just a new level of bad design. I don't need this level of frustration, i play games to have fun and this is just sucking all the fun out right now.
I fully expect none of your fine suggestion to ever happen which is a shame because this at times is a good game but it could actually be a great game and much more popular with the right changes. But console seems to be a very low priority and kind of fells like it's on life support where they do the absolute minimum required to get the supporter pack money, with all effort focused on the pc version of the game.
Has GGG even bothered to address this yet?
The key binding to activate the league mechanic is atrociously bad. I'm constantly opening my inventory instead of rifting or whatever.
It's a shame that OP bothered to write such a well worded and organized post, to not even get a response from staff. I agree with all of their points except for the one about potions.
Using flasks is not nearly as difficult as most people seem to be saying. If you're even mildly experienced with playing games on controller in which you move with the left toggle and need to occasionally simultaneously press D-pad buttons, you should know that the best way to do that is with your left index finger (this is known as the "claw technique"). There is no need to take your thumb off the toggle, or to reach all the way across with your other thumb (I tried this after seeing it mentioned, it's really difficult and honestly baffling that anyone would be doing that). With only a day or two of practice, anyone should be comfortable with using their left index finger for flasks. Believe me - if I can do it, anyone can lol.
Posted bySturmgeist_#9461on Nov 12, 2021, 5:54:52 PM
I agree with majority of this post as well, A lot of the buttons that we have to use is just so counter intuitive for certain things, it just makes no sense. Please strongly consider making some changes because this is really hurting the quality and enjoyment for the game, In some cases even performance. If you're dong Nem3 or magic find builds, Hitting L3 and the touchpad for league mechanics are so annoying because it shows all the unfiltered junk and causes some serious performance issues, even on ps5 with 1GB internet with an ethernet. Really hope for a temporary solution by allowing another button for scourge (preferably not L3 to show all the unfiltered crap) and have a more permeant solution later on.
Posted byVecalius#9584on Nov 13, 2021, 1:51:22 PM