Scourge shiftbind

Can you add another way to shift because I am playing a magic find build and L3 causes unfiltered items to show and makes the ps5 freeze for a second before being able to start scourge when you have a lot of scourge stacks
Last bumped on Nov 17, 2021, 12:15:34 AM
I agree with this post as well, A lot of the buttons that we have to use is just so counter intuitive for certain things, it just makes no sense. Please strongly consider making some changes because this is really hurting the quality and enjoyment for the game, In some cases even performance. If you're dong Nem3 or magic find builds, Hitting L3 and the touchpad for league mechanics are so annoying because it shows all the unfiltered junk and causes some serious performance issues, even on ps5 with 1GB internet with an ethernet. Really hope for a temporary solution by allowing another button for scourge (preferably not L3 to show all the unfiltered crap) and have a more permeant solution later on.
ya it's absolutely horrible.

But unfortunately, we are console plebs and can easily be ignored since there's not enough of us to get upvoted on reddit.

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