Mouse and keyboard support

This would GREATLY improve playability for some skills. I can absolutely admit you (GGG console devs) did an INCREDIBLE job with getting the auto-aim type stuff to work with skills like Tornado Shot (thank you for putting it right behind the target enemy) but lots of totem builds are in bad shape because of auto-placement. As well as essence drain an essential "skill shot" skill that will never hit a target moving laterally in the current condition.

As I said im absolutely happy with the controller play, but there are a LOT of us who would never consider going back to PC if we had mouse and keyboard support.

And it would be a good way to show the console community you do care about it's development. Because there's so many bugs that are console specific that have been in place since I made the switch to console myself so I imagine....they've always been here

Plz hlp
Last bumped on Nov 18, 2021, 8:04:35 AM

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