Unable to trade


Im trying to buy simulacrums but all listed ones seem to belong to the same person. He won't accept or reject the offer.


When looking up items i have no idea if the item belongs to the same guy.


Show the character name or gamertag below the asking price or in the trade window.

Give the option to ignore people in the trade window.

I know its not a bug but i post it here because i dont have the feeling that it will be read if i post it in the feedback forum.
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2021, 6:43:16 PM
Why is it that 1 person can ruin the trading experience for everyone, but everyone cant do anything about that 1 person?
Now he pricefixed them at 400% of the old price.


At least let us see who is doing it. Please this needs to change.
ya I wish GGG would not cater to scumbags like this. They designed the market specifically to benefit scumbags over honest gamers. Kinda sad
it's easier to make auto trade, but items will become more expensive, but we will also be able to sell more expensive, scammers will disappear.

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