Endless Heist
will that be coming for XBox as well now that we got the Delve? Or the other events?
Last bumped on Dec 21, 2021, 6:39:04 PM
Odds we get any additional events: near zero.
However, if we *do* get one more event, I'd *much* rather have the Atlas invasion one with the random bosses than Endless Heist. | |
or the delirium one would be really nice
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
I second that I hope we will be getting Atlas Invasion vs any other event. It seems nutty and I’m all about it.
I agree. Though I’d really appreciate anything. I definitely didn’t miss the hardcore gauntlet. Atlas invasion and delirium look absolutely epic. Fingers crossed for consoles. PlayStation user here. We could really use it. Y’all Xbox players at least got grimdawn this holiday season. so there’s at least one other option for the ARPG fix we all require. Can’t get myself to support blizzard and replay d2.
Sony is really failing. Xbox master race. Y’all had bestiary abyss AND delve leagues before we got it. Pretty much the only worthy ps games are planetside and ffxiv. Last edited by Codra9#9568 on Dec 21, 2021, 6:42:01 PM