Short review of Lost Ark: I wish POE had its combat and "Time to live" but not a single other thing

Its really dogshit... I love this word to describe LA... Dogshit, yes perfect. Its doing 2 things better than Path of Exile, the combat is paced much better and you don't randomly fall over inexplicablyas often. But thats it, the leveling is some of the most puerile, vapid mind numbingly bad...

click the NPC...
Now click the NPC next to him
Now click that same NPC a second time (for no apparent reason, like couldn't you have told me all this text in ONE CLICK?)
Now take the NPC's twig 6 feet to the left and drop the twig on the pile
Now go back and click the NPC
And click that same NPC a second time AGAIN still for no apparent reason.

Imagine if you had to click Nessa, the go to act 2 and click Yeena, and go back and click Nessa, close her dialog window and then be required to click her again at which point she finally gives you 4 transmute shards, and 1 alch shard and 1200xp... Yeah what was my new word? Oh yeah Dogshit.

Dungeons are literally little fake amusement parks with fake tight rope walking, fake gap jumping, fake hazards, fake cliff climbing, Fake puzzles that you mostly solve by clicking a single hotspot.

EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE MOMENTS IS JUST AS WONDERFUL AS A HEIST DOOR OPENING CEREMONY but often much longer than even the big heist vault doors that GGG was so proud of they decided to make an entire league about it.

The end game is parceled out into dailys and weeklys... Oh my god imagine turning your game into a social hand holding experiment...

Then there's this part where you spend TONS of time sailing a cute little toy boat around on a cartoonishly silly sea back and forth like a mobile game, fetching shit. With a dozen or a hundred other toy boats.

I would be shocked if this sailing wasn't literally an actual separate mobile game in the KR version.

Don't even get me started on Armin and "Angsty Brooding Demon, but he's a young EMO man" Anime villain.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2022, 9:58:24 PM

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