[Xbox] 3.18.0d Patch Notes
This patch includes changes to monster modifiers that provide ailment immunity, as well as a few improvements and bug fixes of both small- and medium-importance. It also includes Patch 3.18.0b, 3.18.0b Hotfix and 3.18.0c. Notes for these have been included at the bottom for your convenience.
Monster modifier changes
- Frostweaver: No longer grants immunity to Cold Ailments. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Cold Ailments.
- Permafrost: No longer grants immunity to Freeze and Chill. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Cold Ailments.
- Flameweaver: No longer grants immunity to Scorch. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Scorch.
- Stormweaver: No longer grants immunity to Lightning Ailments. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments.
- Dynamo: No longer grants immunity to Shock. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments.
- Frost Strider: No longer grants immunity to Cold Ailments. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Cold Ailments.
- Ice Prison: No longer grants immunity to Cold Ailments. It now grants 50% reduced effect of Cold Ailments.
- Flame Strider: No longer grants immunity to Scorch. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Scorch.
- Storm Strider: No longer grants immunity to Lightning Ailments. It now grants 80% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments.
- Mana Siphoner: No longer grants immunity to Lightning Ailments. It now grants 50% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments.
- Storm Herald: No longer grants immunity to Lightning Ailments. It now grants 50% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments.
- Steel-infused: Now grants "Overwhelm 10% of Physical Damage Reduction" (previously 30%).
- Rejuvenating: Reduced the life regeneration for Unique Monsters from Healing Nova to 10% of life regenerated over 2 seconds.
- Effigy: Summoned Effigies are now spawned at the player's location and are immune to damage for 2 seconds after linking to a player. While linked, 50% of damage from Hits taken by the Effigy is also taken by the player as reflected damage (previously 100%).
- Crystal-skinned: Improved the charge up visuals of crystals.
- The Trickster monster modifier can no longer be found on Magic or Rare Monsters in the Azurite Mine.
- The Juggernaut monster modifier can no longer be found on Blighted Monsters.
Improvements and bug fixes
- Character level no longer prevents you from using Sentinels in Act Areas.
- Updated the description of the Sentinel Runic Node that causes found Normal-rarity Sentinels to be upgraded to Magic rarity to clarify it applies to Sentinels found from Monsters you kill and Chests you open.
- Updated the Controller input mode keybind for equipping a Sentinel. Using this keybind when highlighting an equippable Sentinel will now also open the Sentinel Controller Panel.
- Using the equip keybind in Controller input mode will now swap the Sentinel highlighted in your inventory with the relevant Sentinel in your Sentinel Controller Panel if you already have one equipped.
- The charges on equipped Sentinels can now be viewed using the Right-stick button in Controller input mode.
- The destructible pillars in the Polaric Hideout can no longer be moved by player skills.
- The Invisible Buff Effect Microtransaction can now be applied to Withering Step, allowing you to hide its visual effects.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Bow, Wand and Concoction Skills to be used with the Varunastra Unique equipped.
- Fixed an issue where you could fail to obtain credit towards the Complete Encounters II challenge when completing an 8-mod Blight-Ravaged Map.
- Fixed a bug where Kirac's "Slay the Beyond Boss" Atlas Mission could not be completed.
- Fixed a bug where the size sliders in the Unique and Divination Card Stash Tabs were not working in Controller input mode.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when trying to enter The Control Blocks in Act 5.
3.18.0b Patch Notes
- Sentinels can no longer Empower Piety in Act 3 Crematorium as she cannot drop items.
- Dreadwheel Monsters can no longer be found with Flame, Storm or Frost Strider modifiers.
- The "Complete Essence Encounters" Challenge now requires you to defeat an Essence Monster which has at least 4 Rare Modifiers (previously 5 Rare Modifiers).
- The "Complete Endgame Grinds" Challenge now requires you to defeat 100 4-mod Rare Monsters in Tier 16 Maps (previously 5-mod Rare Monsters).
- Clarified the description on the "Complete Vendor Recipes" Challenge. It now specifies "Magic Boots with 10% increased Movement Speed" (previously "at least 10% increased").
- Fixed an issue where Consecrated Ground from the Consecrator Monster modifier was granting immunity to Curses instead of 50% reduced effect of Curses on Monsters.
- Fixed a bug where Empowering Merveil, the Twisted in Act 1 wasn't awarding credit towards The Basics of Sentinels Challenge.
- Fixed a client crash.
3.18.0b Hotfix 1
Monster and Modifier Changes
- Rejuvenating: Verdant Spores inflicted by the Healing Nova now grants 60% reduced Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield (previously prevented players from recovering Life or Energy Shield). The Healing Nova can no longer be used if the Monster with this modifier is on full life.
- Magma Barrier: Summoned Fire Volatiles are now much more visible and have had their explosion damage reduced significantly.
- Toxic: Magic Monsters now have a 50% chance to create a Toxic Volatile on death (previously always). Now grants +40% to Chaos Resistance (previously +50%).
- Frenzied: Now grants 40% increased Damage while Frenzied (previously 50%), and 25% increased Action Speed while Frenzied (previously 50%).
- Overcharged: Now grants +1 to Maximum Frenzy, Power and Endurance Charges (previously 2).
- Effigy: Summoned Effigies will now wait 2 seconds before using their Taunt Skill upon linking to a Player.
- Mana Siphoner: Reduced the Lightning Damage Over Time taken by Enemies in the Aura by 33%, and the amount of Mana lost per second by Enemies in the Aura by 67%. We are also looking to improve the visual clarity and reduce the size of the Ring in the near future.
- Incendiary: Now grants 100% increased Ignite Damage (previously 300%) and +50% to Fire Resistance (previously +75%).
- Bloodletter: Now grants 50% increased Damage with Bleeding (previously 100%).
- Chaosweaver: Now grants +40% to Chaos Resistance (previously +50%).
- Entangler: Now grants +30% to Chaos Resistance (previously +40%). We previously stated in a news post that this modifier provided +50% to Chaos Resistance, the correct value was +40%.
- Arakaali-touched: Now grants +50% to Chaos Resistance (previously +60%).
- Shakari-touched: Now grants +50% to Chaos Resistance (previously +60%).
- Storm Strider: Trigger Lightning Mirage when Hit now has a 0.75 second global cooldown (previously 0.5 second).
- Frost Strider: Trigger Snow bolt when Hit now has a 0.75 second global cooldown (previously 0.5 second).
- Assassin: Now grants 70% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes (previously take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes).
- Drought Bringer: Nearby Enemies' Flasks now lose 6 Charges every 3 seconds (previously 15 Charges every 3 seconds).
- Invulnerable: Can no longer appear on Magic Monsters, or Rare Monsters that aren't part of a Monster Pack (such as those spawned in Blight encounters). We plan to review this modifier further, and make it more similar to the Benevolent Guardian Nemesis modifier.
- Reduced the number of Magic and Rare Monster that can spawn in Ritual Encounters. The amount of Tribute granted by Rare and Magic Monsters has been increased to compensate for this change.
- Soul Conduit, Final Gasp, Mirror Image and Opulent Monster modifiers can no longer appear on Ritual Monsters.
- The inherent Maximum Life bonuses from Monster modifiers no longer apply to Metamorphs.
- The Mirror Image Monster modifier can no longer appear on Metamorphs.
- Magic Blackguard Elites that accompany Piety in The Crematorium and General Gravicius in The Ebony Barracks in Act 3 now have 40% less Life.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where Heralding Totems and Lightning Beacons from the Heralding Minions and Storm Strider modifiers would sometimes fail to despawn.
- Fixed a bug where the Impossible Escape Unique Jewel could roll Keystones no longer on the Passive Skill Tree.
3.18.0c Patch Notes
This patch contains additional changes to monster modifiers, alongside a few bug fixes and improvements.
Monster modifier changes:
- The Invulnerable monster modifier has been replaced with the Benevolent Guardian modifier previously found as a Nemesis modifier. This causes the monster with this modifier to apply an Immunity buff to nearby allies for a short duration. If the original monster is slain, affected allies lose the Immunity buff. Other monsters that have this modifier cannot be given the Immunity buff.
- Toxic Volatiles have had their base speed reduced, and now accelerate over time. They also now explode after 10 seconds at their location if they have not exploded already.
- Reduced the size and improved the visuals of the Ring from the Mana Siphoner monster modifier.
- The Hasted and Arcane Buffer monster modifiers will now be first encountered on level 6 monsters.
Bug fixes and Improvements:
- The Grim Reaper Apparition Effect now appears when your Traps, Mines, Totems, or Minions kill an enemy.
- Fixed a bug where Decorative Chests could fail to spawn in The Labyrinth.
- Fixed a bug that caused the joints of Vaal Fallen and Arsonists in the Doryani's Machinarium Map to become quite entangled.
- Fixed a bug where the Highlight Key would not display minimum and maximum defensive values when hovering over items.
- Fixed an issue where some body armours would cause sections of Characters limbs to be invisible.
- Fixed a bug where the filter in the Social Panel was not functioning correctly.
Last bumped on Jun 6, 2022, 1:36:27 AM
Posted byCommunity_Teamon May 25, 2022, 10:37:20 PMGrinding Gear Games
ily Community Team! Thx
Posted byEWA Peanut#8662on May 25, 2022, 11:04:06 PM
Good job fixing things that should have never been put in the game in the first place.
Posted byYouAreStoopud#8366on May 25, 2022, 11:21:37 PM
WoW didn't think we would get the update so fast. Ty Ty
Posted byNF Siege#8334on May 25, 2022, 11:35:44 PM
Awesome !! Same time than PC last patch, this is The Way. GG
I still can't convert my maps and I cannot put maps away in my inventory, and they still have a different icon. What is going on?
Posted byMJHeemeyer#8021on May 26, 2022, 1:47:58 PM
Love it. Thanks for posting the extra notes as well!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
I had disabled Harvest from my maps and now I wanted to make yellow Rare maps to run so I turned Harvest again, first time doing Harvest with my poisonous concotion character and I ran into a mob that had Toxic (40% chaos resistance) and Rejuvenating (10% HP healed in 2 seconds) so I was not doing enough damage to even make his health go bellow 50% after like 3 minutes of spamming my skill.
Thats it, POE is done for me and Im not coming back until Archnemesis is removed, this shit is too bad and not fun at all
Posted bySeth Howler#8758on May 28, 2022, 10:55:49 PM
patch E when?