Searing Bond

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Last bumped on May 10, 2023, 9:31:13 PM

Seems interesting. Lets see how well it works out on my burn damage focused templar.

since it doesn't 'hit', it doesn't work with any added X supports.

Doesn't scale with increased fire damage. It does scale with increased burning damage but this isn't reflected in the tooltip (it's shown in the misc tab of the character info).

The extra burn area at each end is very small. On par with the standard fireball blast radius.

It requires line of sight, but it DOES work through frost wall. More and more, it seems like it's designed for a burn damage ancestral bond user (trap a bunch of mobs behind a frost wall with this and fire traps burning them from all sides).

I don't have an AB character right now to test it but I'd be interested in knowing if this stacks if you have 2 beams overlapping an enemy.
Last edited by JonnyMonroe#6747 on Apr 11, 2013, 9:42:19 PM
Searing bond with multi-strike//flickerstrike at over 10 APS video link below.

Pretty damn amazing how it ignites things and hits everything I hit.....not sure about how the totem dies in 1 hit though, guess I gotta get used to using enduring cry right before casting it. Fun stuff though.
twilightfall wrote:
Searing bond with multi-strike//flickerstrike at over 10 APS video link below.

Pretty damn amazing how it ignites things and hits everything I hit.....not sure about how the totem dies in 1 hit though, guess I gotta get used to using enduring cry right before casting it. Fun stuff though.

Isn't it low level in the vid? totem health scales with level.

Also it doesn't ignite. It deals burn damage to anything in contact with it. Ignite is always burn, but burn isn't always ignite.
Really liking the concept of this skill as it encourages thoughtful positioning. Hoping to test its viability at end-game maps, but judging from my discussion with Neon, it's very possible that it will be, perhaps even in tandem with Lightning Warp.

Shame it doesn't scale with Spell Damage nor Fire damage. All we need now is passives or uniques that extend cast range for totems.
Since the damage is similar to that of Righteous Fire. I'll try to summarize what works. Feel free to correct me (hi Mark)

- Damage is burning damage. Will not stack with Fire Trap, Righteous Fire (highest instance take effect). Do stack with Ignite damage (elemental effects).

- Increased burning damage, increased damage overtime effects (Vulnerability) works. Increased Fire do not.

- Fire resistant reduce it.

- Cast speed, spell damage, ... etc does not effect it.

Conclusion: Good support choice: Faster cast (to cast totem faster), Blood Magic or Reduced mana, and Item Quantity/Rarity

Edit: Item Quantity/Rarity does not work as of now
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
Last edited by Progammer#5080 on Apr 11, 2013, 10:08:25 PM
Programmer I'm not sure if Item Quantity/Rarity will work (if you mean the gems) as this is DOT.

mylon2202 wrote:
Programmer I'm not sure if Item Quantity/Rarity will work (if you mean the gems) as this is DOT.

Item quantity and Rarity will not work with it as they require a hit, and this skill degenerates and does not hit.

Fire Penetration should work however.
JonnyMonroe wrote:
mylon2202 wrote:
Programmer I'm not sure if Item Quantity/Rarity will work (if you mean the gems) as this is DOT.

Item quantity and Rarity will not work with it as they require a hit, and this skill degenerates and does not hit.

Fire Penetration should work however.

Once they fixed that it should works. However, Fire Pen will not work since, again, it's not an on-hit skill.
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
Seems interesting, although spell damage does not seem to increase the damage (tool tip, haven't tested it yet).

e. Oops, forgot to link it.

HowCouldThisHappenToMee (Hardcore Talisman)
Last edited by bassdoken#1131 on Apr 11, 2013, 10:13:42 PM

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