[PlayStation] 3.18.1c Hotfix 1 & 2 Patch Notes

[PlayStation] 3.18.1c Hotfix 1 & 2 Patch Notes

  • Potential fix for an issue introduced in 3.18.1c where some players were experiencing long loading screens when loading into areas.
  • Reverted texture system changes from the 3.18.1c patch as it introduced performance and loading screen issues for some players.
Last bumped on Jul 9, 2022, 3:20:10 PM
Thanks GGG, you guys and gals are awesome!

Hopefully this does the trick? Now we just need that sound bug taken care of. I have basically learned to live without sound while playing heist.
Thanks so much! Appreciate the console support.
Does this address the PS4 audio glitch too?
Still long loading times here, and it was that since several patches ago on my ps5, diffrence now is that textures was more finished loading with the patch before this when game started, now I just see invencible textures and looking in stash will take some time before loaded, so I actually liked the patch before this better... as Now it's back to before that with texture loading. But loading times should definetly be done something with, it was good long time ago, and just got worse and worse...
Thank you GGG! Ive been having a blast in POE, currently my first season and after i upgraded to next gen console the gameplay has been so smooth so far. Only getting some FPS drops when going really juiced maps in t16.

Hopefully you keep updating console in future too
Unluckily game performance is still terrible on PS5.
Freshly reinstalled game, wired connection - maybe up to 5 FPS most of the time, huge lag spikes, basically game is kinda unplayable in current state :/
SCSIhunterD wrote:
Does this address the PS4 audio glitch too?

No; I got it again :/
Also the map glitch is still there
Basically on PS5 I see no difference after and before hotfix.
Few latest patches broke everything, nothing has been fixed.
The game is currently unplayable on PS4. I keep logging out the server each time I access a teleporter. I am lucky enough to do 3 maps before the game kicks me out. Other games run fine, so it is not my console or network. Please address this issue.

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