Shop doesn't tell me which MTX I already own (except for a few random items)

Browsing the special deals for this weekend, there is no indicator of which MTX items I already own. There are hundreds of items on sale, but as there are no refunds and because of the inability of the purchase to prevent duplicates, I won't be buying any.

Likewise, for several of the store categories the website only shows if I own an item for a few seemingly random items. For example on the tabs page here:

I own all of these tabs already but it only shows the "Premium Stash Upgrade" as being already owned.

If this isn't a bug then this is an absolutely predatory microtransaction shop design.

Please fix it so I can see all of the MTX items I already own when browsing the shop. If there's some technical reason why you can't show "Already Owned!" for all items that are already owned, at least add the ability to filter out items that I already own.


Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Last bumped on Jul 16, 2022, 11:59:06 PM
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To see the items that you already own, open the shop ingame via the "M" key.

The website shop is sadly lacking in this functionality.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
the MTX shop is more designed around in game usage, not the website.

in game will properly tell you if you own things(at least for armour/weapon cosmetics), there is uses to having multiple of all the special stash tabs and you really should know if you own them already...
dorkdude2 wrote:
the MTX shop is more designed around in game usage, not the website.

in game will properly tell you if you own things(at least for armour/weapon cosmetics), there is uses to having multiple of all the special stash tabs and you really should know if you own them already...

When you buy tokens, you must do it outside of the game client; on the website which upon completion, takes you back to the shop on the website.

Obviously I get why you would want to purchase multiple items such as tabs. That is completely missing the point: the website does show a few random items are already purchased.

After playing the game for many years, you start to lose track of which MTX you own and don't own. This also includes a few of the MTX items that are more or less slight re-colors of existing MTX pieces. So no, I don't exactly remember each and every one of the hundreds of MTX pieces I already own.

My point is that the shop on the website should either disallow purchases or fix the bug that it doesn't show which MTX pieces you've already purchased on your account. Or for (at least cosmetic) items purchased, make them refundable for a 48 hour period, full stop. I believe the refund option would solve a lot of other problems that people have with MTX purchases and the refund policy anyway.
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Last edited by TwentyFiveEX on Jul 17, 2022, 12:01:01 AM

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