Instant Cast LMB for console

I am playing cold dot occultist at league start and don't have a great solution to keep vortex casting repetitively. On PC this is done with LMB.
Would it be possible to have a single (instant) skill that can toggle for "cast on cooldown" to be at parity with the console quality of life?

If cast while moving/when on cooldown is impossible than can console get an additional keybind on left analog stick press? This would also bring the 13 keybinds PC has (1-5, alt 1-5, LMB, CMB, RMB) to console as currently console has 12.

If this is impossible to achieve on the console then I don't understand how console and PC parity will be achievable as it's powerful QoL that console doesn't have.
Last edited by projecanarchy#9077 on Aug 25, 2022, 2:54:50 AM
Last bumped on Sep 22, 2022, 11:12:42 AM
Yeah, I aggree. Its especially important for skills such as Molten Shell or Detonate Mines.
I'm not doing cold dot but I am casting vortex on CD, I'm just holding down X with the base of my thumb the entire map and press Square when I need to cast my main skill. It's incredibly uncomfortable but it gets the job done.
Need my battle shout!!! At a great disadvantage compared to PC not being able to use LMB, its a necessity for a lot of guides.

We need a thread bump once a league so they don't forget.
We should have this by now.
But I guess it is "only" console players so no dev will take the 10 minutes to do it.
My thoughts….

They don’t like this on PC - it doesn’t follow the “one button, one action” mantra. But if they changed, could you imagine the posts?

For console, I don’t believe we have ever seen a response to this question and it has been asked many times.
They just need to remove X as a keybind and turn it into LMB. No one likes X as a keybind except to replace LMB.

Please get on this GGG
GGG better do something for us.
The game is almost in its worst state right now. Only release week of heist was more horrible.

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