Res Button is too Responsive e.g. Unwanted Town Resurrection

Hey GGG Team,

Could you please look into the on death resurrection popup? It happens now instantly causing the player to miss click due to skill buttons set to circle (on PS5) and thus ressing in town.
During the campaign this was especially bad since many bosses are far away from the nearest spawn.
For mapping its just a major annoyance. I have already set my dash to another button now and putting less frequently used skills on circle but it still happens.

Please consider putting a small delay in for the pop up, change res in town to a combo of square + circle, or have us confirm that we want to res in town.

Thank you!
Last bumped on Sep 6, 2022, 8:04:35 AM

Its almost like every change they make now, is to make the game more tedious and frustrating for the player.
Sadly, no console fixes for this patch either. We get the PC updates only.

GGG - at some point are you going to address the console specific issues?
+1 This is incredibly frustrating, especially in acts where you can lose lots of progress. In maps it’s just one more zone but still an annoyance.
I have the same problem in PS4 and in PC with controller.
It would be nice to have the same delay like past leagues.
Last edited by Soulkiller-x#9140 on Sep 4, 2022, 12:34:28 PM
I've never been one-shoted as much as I have this league. It seems every time this happens the game sends me back to town. There should be a delay after you die. This gets really annoying when you are in a boss fight. It takes away the steady flow of of the game.
Any help is appeciated!!!!
Last edited by Daron Wojo#8808 on Sep 6, 2022, 4:52:45 AM
Same problem using controller in pc

Can add a config disable the back to town option? Or after dead give 5 second count down or show overlay before return to town

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