[PLEASE READ GGG] Cross platform
I'm on Xbox. I play on console since the release of the game. I'm a league player but since Heist, i have only played Expedition and Scourge (the first was cool, the second interesting for the scourge mod item). I hate moneymaking league it's why i haven't play Archnemesis, Ultimatum..etc that were boring and frustrating for me. I'm not an ultimate no-lifer endgame player top 10% but a modest theory build crafter. For the first 2 years, i was able to do cool builds in leagues, and play them until Lvl 95/97, doing most of endgame bosses, but with the time i have the feeling community become less important, more greedy, more toxic, more individualist, and the results is diversity in build become poor. The choice of rare items become poor (and expensive). Now i do less funky builds (cost too high or not enough choice on TM to finish them...). Today, some prices are become just absurd. Some endgame unique cost too high, currencies to craft maps too, base influence/fractured/synthesized too.. In addition to that, you have annihilate all the hope for casual/low/mid base players that wanted to use the harvest craft you remowed to make a build to finally do endgame or uber endgame. In console we have the feelings you only care about the 1% of players thats rules the game, and who will always do that even with all yours nerfs. Each time you do lot of nerfs, it's affect the portion on players that don't do Uber endgame ! My Suggestion == Focus in Crossplay/crossplateform/cross progression... Take the time to do that, even if we don't have league for 3/6 months. Stop developping POE2 (not possible because you have chineese investors..). In the same time, do nerfs/buffs, whatever you want but finish your game, take the good decisions for loot, mods monsters..., make the build diversity back in game but the most important, just test your game. With Kalandra, you have prove us you have difficulties to make goods choices, you have prove us you didn't have enough time/ people to test your game so maybe 1 league every 3 months is something you can stop for a while. Personnaly, i don't play league anymore (just test Kalandra one but with all nerfs/problems and less time to play, i'm done with it), i don't buy microtransaction anymore. I just wait for crossplay because it's the only thing to do to finally have more choice in builds/diversity/stuff, the only thing to do to have a sellers community less toxic/greedy. I'm not naive, you just say it would be good to have crossplay, and nothing can confirm you were really serious but please consider this suggestion. If you ask console community if they want, even 1 league /3months or no league for few months but with crossplay in the end, i'm pretty sure of the result.. At least, consider it for Xbox/Playstation. Last edited by BarilQuasar7587#8815 on Sep 7, 2022, 1:00:24 PM Last bumped on Sep 13, 2022, 1:36:16 PM
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I just posted something similar, glad to see I'm not the only one getting frustrated with the lack of love on console.
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And i'm sad to see only one player come here to talk about that...
But nevermind, i've enough stuff to theorycraft builds until crossplay, even if it come in 2 years ^^ |
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It’s been discussed many, many times and no replies. People have given up on console.
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I know, i know..
GGG should understand each time they nerf casual/medium players (because top players will always be top players), thoses nerfs are even more violent on console. Crossplatform should be a priority. |
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Agreed, I feel like we are never mentioned in anything. At least address the issues and keep us updated. If they aren't going to enable cross console play or trade, let us know. If they are planning on it... let us know they are working on it.
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Not a surprised if there is no "dscussion in live" between Wilson and some of console players as it happened with PC streamers...
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the market definitely needs more stuff in it
console definitely needs both the website and the trade market but I suppose it won't matter because until there is an actual good league, I'm going to just play standard and when they disable the trade market I disable my public tabs in standard and if another good league comes out I play SSF F doing manual trades on console, ridiculous |
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In league today i tried to buy stuff to a fair price....Obviously thanks to toxic seller kids, i bought nothing... Some uniques cost at minimum PC prices x10 !!!
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