Console really does need cross-trade market with xbox/ps

Things you need for some builds don't even exist on the trade market.

Maybe with 1/100000 of the playerbase, perhaps drop rates could be adjusted or get xbox and ps together so there are actually things in existence in trade league.
Last edited by Anton__Chigur#9285 on Sep 14, 2022, 12:15:14 AM
Last bumped on Oct 17, 2022, 2:24:37 PM
Bump. Make this a priority ggg
Crossplay for consoles would be a small improvement but even the combined playerbase would still be relatively small compared to PC. So what i really want is crossplay with all consoles and PC. Equal access and opertunity for everyone. Of course, it will have to work properly and certain bugs like the party bug on console would have to be fixed or we could end up in a bad situation.
ggg is already working on it

For a number of years, the PC/Mac version of Path of Exile has used a trade system where players can search for items on a trade website, and then contact those users in-game to arrange a trade. The console version of Path of Exile has used a different system, called the Trade Market. This post details our plans to bring the Trade Site to console players and eventually phase out the Trade Market.

The context for these changes is that of unification. It would be great to see both the console and PC version have the same choice of either mouse/keyboard or game controller. It would be great for them to get the same patches, on the same day, and potentially have cross-play, cross-progression and cross-purchases. All of these are difficult issues that require significant engineering work, platform support and various other factors, so we're not able to promise any of them at this stage. But it's a future we'd love to work towards, and one that requires that Path of Exile is the same on both platforms.

In order for it to be the same, it has to have the same featureset. We have gradually been adding support for the remaining features (guilds were added to console, controller support to PC, lockstep on console is next). But one big difference between the two versions is the way that trade is handled. This will need to be unified as well. full text
Amen !!!

Only need forbiden flame to finish my build …

Im lv99 and the jewel doesnt even exist on PS trade :(((
Your strength is the law !!

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eldest-bike4 wrote:
Only need forbiden flame to finish my build …

Im lv99 and the jewel doesnt even exist on PS trade :(((

What one? Im on PS SSF and I have one that isn't on trade either.
IIRC its the Forbidden Flame - Masterful Form
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I was thinking of rerolling to try to stack them both. But I'm never gonna have time, still want to get to 100 (70% to go), finish the rest of my 38 challenges, oh and if Cortex ever drops try my hand at the Ubers. Still a 0/7 SSFailure

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