Episode 158 of Forever Exiled - Mechanics & Ascendancies - is Out, Just for You!

Episode 158: https://www.foreverexiled.com/mechanics-ascendancies/

Good morning, afternoon, or evening to you all!

Episode 158 of Forever Exiled is out, as it is every Sunday, for those that subscribe to any podcast apps. Click the link above if you're not. Speaking of, we're available on ALL podcast apps (and YouTube), in case you didn't know.

Episode 158! With a game like Path of Exile, the theory crafting never stops! Well, unless you play GGG's game for a living...but we don't! So every week of the league is an exciting time to figure out our "what if" questions. 3.19's Lake of Kalandra is soon coming into its final month, our private league is starting, and Scions are going up everywhere! The theory crafting decisions never stop...and who wants them to!? Not us! Hosting Forever Exiled is always so fun no matter where the league is at. Thanks for having us as a part of your week each week! We love your faces.

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Available on ALL podcast apps and YouTube

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https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last bumped on Oct 16, 2022, 9:54:20 AM

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