MTX video previews don't work

I've ran into a strange issue with the MTX preview videos on the website. The first few MTX that I click on show the preview video, but after that all I see is the preview image, not the embedded video.

Opening Chrome DevTools makes the videos work again every single time. Simply having DevTools open in the background fixes it.

Repro steps:

(0. close DevTools if already open)
1. Open e.g. in a new tab
2. Click on a couple MTX
3. Videos stop appearing

Running Chrome Version 108.0.5359.126 with no extensions enabled on the PoE website, though this has been happening at least since the launch of Sanctum.


Caught this before posting: The video previews do load eventually (after waiting for over 10 seconds), but with DevTools open they load instantly.
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2023, 8:50:18 PM
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Do you have "Disable Cache" enabled in DevTools? That could explain the difference in behaviour.

I can't reproduce it with the steps provided so it seems like it may be a caching issue.
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That's correct; I do have Disable cache enabled. Turning it off results in the same issue with videos not loading, so a caching issue is likely.

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