Three new microtransactions are now available in the store! Check out the Starfall Reap Skill Effect, Searing Hideout, and Blighted Cold Snap Effect in the videos below, or get yours here!

The Starfall Reap Skill Effect imbues your scythes and Blood Charges with the power of the stars, making your enemies fall before your dazzling might.

Spread new mycelium of your own with the Blighted Cold Snap Effect!

Claim the domain of the Searing Exarch for your own with the Searing Hideout! Activating the Searing Remnant decoration causes the fissures to glow with the Searing Exarch's power.

Thanks for your support!
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Grinding Gear Games
I am once again asking for Overseer Vortex and Creeping Frost <3
It's nice to feel heard. Would also be nice to be able to modify/remove the eye symbol though, as opposed to having to obscure it.
Awakened Combustion Support when?
Hideout should be a waypoint skin as well. Both in Exarch colour schemes... and also in Sin and Innocence matte black with gold glow.

Le Toucan Will Return
Lemme get uuuuuuuuuh new shock nova mtx pls
RIP Reap, Cold Snap.
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
very cool but when rage vortex :(
All these complaints and GGG just like "lets release more mtx"

Please give us an MTX for the original appearance of Freezing Pulse. I will throw my whole wallet at that.
Thats it, i'm almost there
Formally [Removed by Support] as my STANDARD map stash got frakked

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