For today's news post, we wanted to showcase some community made hideouts from our Hideout Showcase forum! If you're looking for a new Hideout or need some inspiration for your next one, check them out in the video below!

Here's a list of the hideouts featured in the video (.hideout files are available for download in corresponding forum threads):

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Grinding Gear Games
uh ok
your game is laggy
The mystery box situation is becoming comical.
just release the boxes already, it's starting to look like you guys don't need to pay the bills
Mystery Box
The hideouts look great as always, I love to see community creativity showcased! It'd just a little bit strange in light of the weird silence on mystery boxes, and the state of game performance issues. Even just a tweet acknowledging these problems would be helpful at this point.
nice game client, nice boxes, nice non-existant MTX, nice..
itd be really cool if you could communicate with your community
the three are very beautiful
Fairytopia by Alyanne19
The Flying Dutchman by Morinmeth
The Convention by Quelex

Fairytopia hideout, the best of the moment very beautiful.

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