Cassia's singing and Blighted Map edges

I wasn't really invested the last couple leagues so maybe I've missed something, but it seems like a bug to me that I can no longer hear Sister Cassia singing? Sometimes I think I can make out little hums but that's it. The "Oh" she says if you come close to her is still audible and strangely her voice lines are still shown in the chat window.

Have I turned off something in my audio options or is there something else I can do to hear her singing again?

Second issue I have is with the strange white mesh on the edge of the walkable terrain in Blighted Maps. I can distincly remember that a few leagues ago there was no mesh over the yellow/black growth, but now you can hardly make out that there is someting underneath. I assume it is for visual clarity, but I never had an issue with decerning the egde of the Blighted Maps. I first thought it might be because I use Vulkan, or I messed up my graphic setting somehow, but it seems fine to me.

So is there a way to turn of the white mesh?

Thanks in advance,

a casual Blight enjoyer
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2023, 5:00:15 PM
I'm happy to report, that as of today (15.12.) Cassia got her voice back!

Not sure if I did something or the latest patch had some unannounced fixes, but that part seems to be fine now.

Still annoyed by the white mash though...

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