Bring back optimization 3.21 or 5 months of bullying

Immediately I want to apologize for my poor English, it is not my native language. On the forum of my language to write useless, the maximum who can answer there is a neural network. Although judging by the way they react to complaints here, the situation is not much better. I am a person who is not used to complain and leave messages, but this situation just forces to do it.

I have a rather weak computer, probably because of this optimization update that came out in 3.22 affected me very much.

FPS. In 3.21 and before it I had a fairly even 50-60 FPS, Engine Multithreading worked stably, the game is installed on SSD, sometimes there was a drop to 40 FPS, on blight maps could drop to 30 FPS, but did not prevent to put towers and normal farming blight.
What is it now? In 3.22 I have 25-40 FPS on maps, with everything very much twitching and freezing, the picture often freezes for 2-3 seconds. Not only that FPS fell in half, but also became unstable and constantly jumping. On maps blight in general down to 5-10 FPS, I just can not play blight, which I love very much, I do not have enough FPS even to put towers. How 30-40 FPS could turn into 5-10 is a mystery to me. I note that in hideout in 3.21 I always had 60 FPS, now there jumping 35-55 FPS.

My FPS and multithreading in hideout.

Shaders. Infinite loading of shaders. This green bar loads all the time. Sometimes I can run the whole map and it's still loading. In 3.21 shaders loaded for a few seconds at the beginning of the map. The folder with shaders weighed about 30 megabytes, while in 3.22-3.23 it weighs 288 megabytes, is this a joke? It feels like shaders are loaded every time just like that and put in a folder.

Loading. It has become unbearably long. Maps take 20-30 seconds to load. If I leave the map and after a second I try to get on it again, it's like it's loading again for the same 20-30 seconds. I put the teleporter on blight to get in quickly in case of death, but if that happens I'm on the map for 30+ seconds and of course the curse is lost. Other hideouts also take incredibly long to load and remember the game is installed on SSD. In 3.21 maps and hideouts loaded 3-5 seconds, and if I exit the map and enter it again, it loads almost instantly.

Textures. Textures often load in squares right in front of my eyes. Monster models and effects sometimes take a long time to be very load. My ultimatum portal loses textures after the first use and they never come back. This problem is also in the developers, if you watch the trailer 3.14 Ultimatum league and pay attention to the portal from which appears trial master, and then open the video from 3.23 where we returned Ultimatum, the video shows that the portal has no textures that in 3.14, the same textures that disappear from me and it is the developers in the official video. You can see for yourself by watching Content Reveal video 3.14 and 3.23. I use Ultimatum portal since 3.14 and the problem started with the league 3.22.

3.14 vs 3.23 Content reveal video.

My Ultimatum portal in 3.22-3.23.

Engine Multithreading. In 3.21 and before, I played with it and enjoyed stable FPS. What now? Because of Engine Multithreading FPS became as unstable as possible, it jumps from 20 to 50 FPS every second, the picture is like a slideshow and it's impossible to play. If you switch to a single core FPS becomes stable, but it is very small and does not rise above 40 even in the shelter, on maps even less. As a result, the choice is not great, or a little more FPS, but with constant jerks, or stable FPS, but it is very little. Both options are not playable.

Bottom line. I decided to skip the 3.22 league due to technical condition, but really wanted to play 3.23. It's been 5 months. 5 months of player complaints, many posts on the forum and reddit. People wrote during all this time, since it affected me, I watched these posts often and they appeared almost every day, which meant that this problem affected a huge number of people besides me. So what's the bottom line? One thread in September that the developers are aware of the problem and two posts a few months ago that they are doing something about it. But nothing has changed, nothing has changed in 5 months, absolutely nothing. I understand that you've stopped doing the game and are doing your best to make PoE2. But then why don't you just bring back optimization 3.21 which was stable, why do you ignore the requests of players about it, because I'm not the first one who talks about it. Bring back optimization 3.21 and make your patch that you broke everything, and when it is ready then release it. What's the problem with doing that? Let me play the game. I would understand if something changed in it, graphics for example and the fact that my FPS dropped by half and other problems were justified. But no, nothing has changed in the game, it's just broken by the patch. Either fix fps, multithreading, textures, infinite shaders, loading, or return 3.21 otherwise just players like me will not be able to play your game. Maybe I'm not that important to you since I only bought the chest tabs, but I know people who have the same problems and they have invested in the game much more.

You have to realize that you can have the best game and the best league, but it will still be impossible to play for people with my problem. I have real acquaintances with whom I play this game and they all say that the quality of the game has deteriorated since league 3.22.
I really hope that someone from the developers will read this and do something. I respect the people who created and support one of my favorite games, from this I am even more puzzled why these important problems are not solved for so long. I really love this game and want to play it, but it has become impossible, not because my computer is outdated (although it is really old), but because the game is broken. In the meantime, I'm going to play Baldur's Gate 3, because even there I have more FPS than I do now in PoE.
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2023, 10:33:00 AM

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