Earthquake of Amplification and Tawhoa Fizzle

Currently Tawhoa fizzles majority of the time without the aftershock going off for the Tawhoa summon, they come out and use the ability just fine with the initial hit but even with lvl 3 gem 0 quality the aftershock sometimes does sometimes doesn't with no increase in duration at all just baseline 2.5. Obviously increasing the duration makes it not work at all, but reduced duration makes the skill function perfectly fine the after shock goes off without a problem.

Just to see if it was working properly on General's cry it appeared to work just fine from what I could tell though it was relatively hard to see if they all went off after summoning but even with increased duration and efficacy socketed in there was aftershocks that were visible.

Its super easy to test just slam in the opposite direction of the mobs and watch tawhoa pop out and never go off, at least that was the case for me.
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2023, 7:48:23 PM

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