Looking for people to play with on private Group found HC league

Hi, since 3.24 league got delayed to 22.03 or even 29.03 i'm looking for mates to start fresh group-found private league for a 2 weeks or maybe full month.
Main idea is:
HC trade is booring to play, and regular SSFHC requires a lot of grind and playtime, so treat it like a middleground where you can get good hc experience.
If we form a group of 10 enthusiasts, i will create discors server and run a league starting this friday.
Last edited by asticks#3872 on Feb 21, 2024, 3:31:28 AM
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2024, 7:20:58 AM
Hey im a bit more new to hardcore but played the game a lot in total, and some private leagues and i would like to play some in a small private league so if there is still some space add me on discord please.

discord : flakyren
Last edited by ThomasDiezel#2295 on Feb 21, 2024, 3:49:59 PM
I'm down

discord: pm6776
Something i'd be down for!

Discord: duurrr.eth oe just drop me a message on here
Hello guys, ok so we have like 5 people already, tomorrow i will create a discord server to gather everyone there!

We still looking for few more mates, if you are new to HC you can expect to get help, build advice or a spare 6 link to get started, if you are experienced player pushing 7/7 ubers group-found playstyle can help you to get some core uniques or crafting materials.
Space for one more? would love to join

Discord: apheawoo
Id like to join too :)
Sounds like something I'd like, count me in!
Id love to join you guys for 2 weeks to a month easy if a spot :)
Ok invites sent guys, think we are full for now, also send me you discord tags so i could add you to the server!

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