Path of exile 2 Skill method (Suggestion)

First of all, i realy like most changes ggg are doing, the new socket system is nice, slower paced gameplay.

I open this thread to discuss how necessary a skillweb is.
I suggest for poe2 a Perk system, were you can pick what you want.
These ""Perks"" are all very powerfull and have destinct mechaniks.

Instead of ""chasing"" live nodes on the skill tree, there is a perk for maximum life lets say, it has 10 ranks and each give 20% lifeincrease or instead of chasing life regen on the tree, there is a perk for live regen and so on so on.

The goal or rather my wish for poe2 is charakter building with a huge variaty, but if all you do on the skill tree is chasing defence and damage nodes, whats realy the point of a skillweb. I know its iconic for poe, but poe2 is from my perspektive a ""move on"" game.

The adventage of a open ""Perk"" system is, that it´s easy expandable, no issuse to where to put it on the tree, everybody can specc into that spezific passive. And these ""perks"" can cost diffrently between 1 and 10 points there is no limit, given that 10 points give you a redicoules effekt.

I hope you guys understand my suggestion, the ""skillweb"" is unnecessary convoluted and complicated for no reason.

Here are some Examples for ""powerfull Perks""

-If you use a summoning skill, summon up to the maximum of that summon
-30 More Fire damage, Ignite stacks
-Minions and Totems can support Auras at XX% of there effektivnes, aura stacks
-If a trap is triggert it places down a mine, if a mine is detonated it places down a trap.
-Your Spectre are Immortal
-Your Buffs and Debuffs also apply to your totems and minions
-Charge generation is randomized, +1 Endurance,power,frenzy charge
-There are always corpses around you, restore XX% life if you consume a corps
-Your Strike skills inherently flicker to nearby enemies

And so on and so on, i will post more examples if this thread intrests you guys.
Last bumped on Mar 12, 2024, 11:17:21 AM
I´m sad, no response, you guy´s dont like to talk about your favorite game.
Maybe ""perk"" isnt the right term, i mean passiv´s wich are unconnected.

Again, i want to point out that the skillweb isnt as deep one would think.
It doesnt allow for realy crazy combinations, you basicly specc into defence and your prevered dps increase.

I know you guys will now say, then yes the same happens with this system, pick dps and defence, but the goal is to have such a variety of passives, that it realy becomes hard to decide, if the extra layer of defence is necessary.

Of course there would be passives like say:

20% more evasionrating and energyshield
20% more Live and armour
30% more energyshield

The logic behind those super strong passives is that only the first out of 1 to 5 or 10 is the strongest, followed by weaker passives. I cant properly explain the reason for that, basicly you can allround easier.

And there can be ""very powerfull passives"" like:
Your minions reanimate after 4seconds
Totem´s use multiple ability´s

How about we wait for PoE 2 to come out before trying to change or improve on it?
They already showcased a new skillweb in one of there video´s.
And they want to do this dual specc thing, which im not a huge fan of it.

Pwnzors87 wrote:
They already showcased a new skillweb in one of there video´s.
And they want to do this dual specc thing, which im not a huge fan of it.

I read this few days ago, but didn't want to be negative, so better to not speak at all, but if you want one: Your idea suck.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Dxt44 wrote:
Pwnzors87 wrote:
They already showcased a new skillweb in one of there video´s.
And they want to do this dual specc thing, which im not a huge fan of it.

I read this few days ago, but didn't want to be negative, so better to not speak at all, but if you want one: Your idea suck.

It´s people like you that keep me from carrying to much. Why write ""i dont want to be rude"" if you are rude afterall.
Pwnzors87 wrote:
It´s people like you that keep me from carrying to much. Why write ""i dont want to be rude"" if you are rude afterall.

That's response to:
Pwnzors87 wrote:
I´m sad, no response, you guy´s dont like to talk about your favorite game.

Crimvaal covered whole topic. I don't see reason to say sth more.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
I dont particulary care about, if they use my suggestion or not, for me it´s just a logical konclusion. I personally want to create charakters with my own ""powerfantasy"", be it a deathknight or a firelord and so on.

So how can a skillmethod cause a huge variety of builds? Not by arbitary destinctions like 10% fire or ice damage, it´s silly and not a deep consideration.

""If i use ice skill i specc into ice-damage and so on so on.""
Furthermore there are destinctions between melee and spell krit, why? for no good reason´s.

I hope for path of exile 2, that they realy enable us to build our desired charakters, with many diffrent elements/mechaniks.

The reason why i dislike the ""duel specc"" is only because you can only combine 2 tree´s, maybe if they ramp up the weapon amounts, i´d like it more, lets say up to 4. Then i could combine melee/spell/totems/minions.

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