[Xbox] 3.23.2 Patch Notes

3.23.2 Patch Notes

  • Made several improvements and fixes to the engine.
  • Added 1070 more foiled Unique Item options that the Voidborn Reliquary can yield.
  • Fixed a bug where turning in a stack of The Rite of Elements Divination Cards did not grant credit towards the Divined Destiny Challenge.
  • Fixed a crash introduced in the backend update patch.
  • Added an option to logout when controller is disconnected. (Option disabled by default)
Last bumped on Mar 21, 2024, 12:39:04 PM
Thanks :)
Much needed. Ty GGG.
Thank you GGG. We can finally play again! :)
Still many bugs. To many people can’t even play with a headset because it disables you being able to literally use ur controller. It doesn’t turn the controller off it just doesn’t register but as SOON as you turn the headset off it works fine. This is ridiculous. My headset and controller work with 0 issues on every other game or app other then Poe so no it has nothing to do with the devices themselves it’s a bug within poe
My map resets everytime I leave the area. Whether I go back to my hideout or just do a vaal side area my map is covered by fog of war again everytime. Pretty annoying for mapping.
The patch fixed steady game crashes i have experienced in the previous patch was fixed indeed, thank you for that.
However, two bugs were reintroduced again:
- the map gets unrevealed if you go to the hideout and then back to the map
- the progress bar in the Alva incursions remains black resp. does not get filled at all
Alexander_GGG wrote:
3.23.2 Patch Notes

> Made several improvements and fixes to the engine.
> Added 1070 more foiled Unique Item options that the Voidborn Reliquary can yield.
> Fixed a bug where turning in a stack of The Rite of Elements Divination Cards did not grant credit towards the Divined Destiny Challenge.
> Fixed a crash introduced in the backend update patch.
> Added an option to logout when controller is disconnected. (Option disabled by default)

Since 3.23.2 patch, I have found the following bugs:
-> Large white squares in maps
-> Party Play is disabled
-> Unable to press LT+RT to do league mechanics like expedition.
-> Ultimatum progress bar does not display.
-> Alva progress bar does not display.
-> If you leave map for any reason, when you return you have to unveil areas that you have already explored.
Last edited by Ayron08#8984 on Mar 15, 2024, 6:19:41 PM
34 gig oof fml
Very unfortunate can not even play with my friends. Will be back to the game when this issue gets fixed just too unfortunate.

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