Summon Raging Spirit is affected by the map mod: Monsters gain Energyshield based of Maximum Live

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Summon Raging Spirit is affected by the map mod: Monsters gain Energyshield based of Maximum Live.

I am not sure if this is intended. Since SRS is a Minion. This heavily influences the playstyle of PoPcorn SRS by giving it additional EnergyShield.
-> Burning Legion applyes the elemental damage on the energy shield. While Tavukai Coral Amulet degens through the energy-shield.

This occurs any time a map rolled the mod : Monsters gain Energyshield based of Maximum Live.
Last bumped on Apr 8, 2024, 4:49:19 AM
Maybe this is an energy shield from Bone Barrier?
I forgot that Bone Barrier has that effect. But yeah. Then the Bone barrier seems to be bugged for SRS? Since it only actualy applies during the map mod. Not active on other maps or in hideout on SRS.
I can confirm the bug.

When you run a map with the mod "Monsters gain X% of Maximum Life as Extra Energy Shield", your raging spirits also gain an extra energy shield and seem to be considered as monsters.

I'm also pretty sure there is another bug with the raging spirits, making them consumed on death by Soul Eater monsters.
Also noticed same thing. It is however not a bug with Bone Barrier that SRS doesn't get ES in other maps if you use Tavukai or Infernal Legion because upon summoning the minion recharges the ES from 0. The Damage stops recharge right away.
It's pretty annoying for popcorn srs build. Your minions just don't take enough damage to explode before reaching your maximum number of minions.

You can deal with it in maps and just avoid the mod but it's much more an issue in delve as the mod is very common.

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