Expedition's End and Frostblink of wintery blast

Expedition's End "nerby enemies are chilled" dont resset after you use Frostblink of wintery blast on them. Bugg?? sounds like
Last bumped on Apr 24, 2024, 6:36:01 AM
Chilling areas are complicated. You chill them, you remove the chill, but since they are still in the area they don't get re-chilled. Like it applies the chill once, and then you have to get them to re-enter the area (or you leave and come back), to re-apply the chill.

Same goes for Skitterbots when someone I know tested it. I don't remember the other tests they did offhand for similar mechanics.
if you use cold snap thats leavs a chilledground it stays on all the time, just there wording on Expedition's End sounds like it was gona work diffrent

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