The new Scarab system has unintentionally hurt Blighted and Blight-Ravaged Maps.

Ignoring the potential jackpot uniques, Blighted maps have always made their money by producing bulk low-value supplies and bubble-gum currency. You'd have blight nodes dropping screaming essences, scarabs, and other currencies which you could then flip once you've gathered a critical mass.

The problem is that with the new scarab-enabled farming strategies, these supplies are available in FAR higher quantities than ever before. Essence farmers can pull hundreds of essences out of a single map now, and scarabs are dropping like candy from every mechanic imaginable. The profit on these strategies has shifted from selling fewer, higher value items to making profit through sheer bulk. And they're so good at doing it that Blighted Maps have been left behind.

In this new scarab dominated landscape, non-mapping content needs to be revamped to be kept competitive. Maybe Ravaged maps should drop shrieking essences instead of screaming, or allow their harbinger nodes to drop fracturing shards.

I'm not saying that you can't make money on these strategies, but you're choosing to make less money than you could be doing anything else. That kind of FOMO shouldn't be hanging over your head just because of the kind of content you're enjoying.
Last bumped on Apr 28, 2024, 5:02:47 PM
Blighted maps are hit mainly from stacked deck nerfs. This was the easiest profitmaker because you would amass quite a hefty supply of them after 2-3 hour session of ravaged mapping.

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