Will the new AH listings show up on trade site?

I hope the listing show up on the site also for 3 reasons

1st - in order to be messaged or fullfiled because if not, imagine you want to buy your 1st div for 100c on day 1 and when you place the order, the market price goes up so you lock your only 100c and have to cancel it loose gold place another and so forth chasing the price that will potentially cause faster inflation.

2nd if it doesnt show up on site the value of everything will be slightly diffrent and on lower volume currency you would be incentivised to go msg people instead of spending gold lock your currency and potentially get undercut and have to either sit and wait or cancel and loose gold.

3rd Everything will have 2 prices which will make checking value of everything a bit confusing for general player, since we have automated ingame price check of currency using awakened poe trade which will be using poe.ninja prices which will be difrent from the price on AH.
Last bumped on Jul 23, 2024, 4:54:55 AM
AutoHotkey already can read the data using API and HTTP requests. PoE Trade Macro is an example but it's outdated. Feel free to make something new, especially AH has been updated to 2.x recently.
Last edited by cursorTarget on Jul 23, 2024, 3:02:00 AM
I do NOT want to receive whispers for stuff I put on AH. I hope they won`t put it on trade site.

I hope the listing show up on the site also for 3 reasons

1st - in order to be messaged or fullfiled because if not, imagine you want to buy your 1st div for 100c on day 1 and when you place the order, the market price goes up so you lock your only 100c and have to cancel it loose gold place another and so forth chasing the price that will potentially cause faster inflation.

the broker of the auction searches for offers that are at what you set as maximum price you are willing to pay or lower - if you want the goods and dont want to relist just place the limit higher, if someone sells for 105c/div and you set 120 it will still buy for 105 not for the limit you set. And if you arent willing to go higher to begin with then thats on you and the state of the market ... you wouldnt get anything on manual trade either if you are offering under the current market price

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