Game is unplayable : too many crashes

Hi, i decided to try this league yesterday an im having loads of crashes: maybe every 10minutes !

I happens in 90% the time while loading new areas and i have errors messages like : " Art/Model/CHARACTERS/Hunter/riq.ast : failed to uncompress animation 223" .

Sometimes i don't have any messages, just straight crash. The game i just unplayable in this state, and im prety sure it's not comming from my pc because every software works perfectly on it.

Here is my config :

i9 14900k, 64gb ddr5ram, everything on a ssd.
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2024, 1:11:17 PM
Same here, it's still good from the start of the league, but now i keep crashing every 5-10 minutes for no error message.
Same problem, i tired everything, changed every setting, from steam to standalone launcher nothing works so for the moment i'll just quit the game and i might come back if this i fixed, im realy pissed.

Last edited by Uriacesjaces on Aug 19, 2024, 3:19:08 PM
I am also having the same issue, hopefully they get a fix in soon
Read my thread.

It seems to be the same problem.

I got it to work and haven't had any crashes since.

Solutions on page 4
its been a while and no fix, start to wonder if they even read these

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