Currency exchange feedback


This league, the currency exchange is the best. Please for the love of god keep it, it has made money making for casual players like me so much easier and more accessible. I think this is one of the best innovations you guys have come up with for trading and hope to see it in future leagues.

Great job and keep it up!
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 8:10:23 AM
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truly best league the only downsides tbh is the gold farming which pretty much takes a lot of time due to low gold drop or high wage for workers same for currency exchange they cost too much gold.
I just spend like 5 minutes selling all the scarabs i had no plan on using anyway. Never would have bothered with that if it wasn't the currency exchange. It's definetely the best addition to the game since it's release.
I think if they are going to keep the currency exchange it needs to be able to handle fractions of a currency, for example 1.5 divine, and most importantly the trade website needs to go.

Currently those who use the in game system are over paying for almost everything as those with the liquidity are snapping up all the things on the trade site and then selling at an inflated cost on the exchange.

A way to sell items would also be nice so that the reliance on an external trade site is removed completely.

Gold costs could also do with a balance pass.

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