[3.25] Life Stack Spark Deadeye: The "it's good just trust me bro" Edition
Hi. This build was the last hurrah for my SSF adventures in 3.25 Settler's league. I'm really happy with how it turned out and I haven't seen anyone else doing this. So now I'm here to spread the good word.
Pros: + 30-40 Million DPS (in small arenas) + Great clear + Fast movement + Considerably tanky + Endless min-max Cons: - 7-10 Million DPS (in open arenas) - Weak to sustained damage (you're not gonna facetank simulacrum) - Mageblood-tier investment Why?
Conceptually, this build is nothing new, but patch 3.25 introduced two new changes that take it to the next level. First, Deadeye's Far Shot ascendancy passive has been changed to apply to all projectile damage, previously only attacks. Since Spark projectiles tend to travel the length of the screen multiple times, this is effectively a 30% more multiplier. Second, Kaom's Heart has been reverted to its old glory of +1000 to maximum life. This is a massive boon for life stacking. The Deadeye ascendancy offers a ton of value for spark: ~30% more damage, +2 proj, tailwind, mark effect, and projectile speed/damage on the small nodes. The popular ascendancies for spark, Trickster and Hierophant provide a more balanced way of building that can work on lower investment. But in our case, life stacking covers most of the defensive deficits, so we should just pick the ascendancy with the most damage and speed. Life stacking with Rathpith is an efficient way of scaling a caster's damage while investing in bulk. At 15k life, we get 750% increased damage and critical strike chance. Spark and Effective DPS Scaling - New Players Read This
Spark shoots out 10 projectiles that travel semi-chaotically, bounce off walls, and expire after 2 seconds. Each cast of spark can hit a single enemy multiple times, with an internal cooldown of 0.66 seconds. That is why spark's damage is effectively several times higher in enclosed spaces, where it can bounce around multiple times. We can increase the amount of times an enemy will be hit per cast by scaling 3 auxiliary stats: Duration, Projectile Speed, and Additional Projectiles. While projectile speed and number of projectiles won't change your spreadsheet DPS, you must invest into them if you want to reach that magical "Maximum Hits" number in POB. POB: https://pobb.in/tijdbSCcJKDv (improved) https://pobb.in/0P_p2JYlzRz_ (original - as seen on YT) Videos:
Mapping (guardian and T17): https://youtu.be/WHmDBPkrRac Ubers and Feared: https://youtu.be/zMJCd6bHuiw Crafting Cookbook:
Listed by order of importance. For the expensive items, it's a good idea to practice the craft in the craftofexile emulator before doing it in game. Gloves:
Desired affixes: + Open prefix + Supported by Faster Projectiles (any tier) + Socketed Gems have +3.5% Critical Strike Chance + Socketed Spells have +70% Critical Strike Multiplier + Supported by Faster Casting (any tier) 1. Create ilvl 84 Shaper/Elder influenced gloves with an Awakener's Orb. Fingerless Silk Gloves is the classic caster base, but it doesn't matter much since we have so much increased % damage already. 2. Click Essences of Horror and Orbs of Annulment until you have an open prefix with two open suffixes (proceed to step 3) or an open prefix, another desired suffix, and an open suffix (skip to step 4). 3. Craft Suffixes Cannot be Changed, reforge caster. If you hit a desired suffix, and have an open prefix and suffix, proceed to step 4. Otherwise, annul or go back to step 2. 4a. If you hit Crit Multi, Craft Suffixes Cannot be Changed, reforge caster. If you hit Faster Casting and have an open prefix, proceed to step 5. Otherwise, try to save it with an annul / go back to previous steps. 4b. If you hit Faster Casting, Craft Suffixes Cannot be Changed, reforge crit. If you hit T1 Spell Crit Multi and have an open prefix, proceed to step 5. Otherwise, try to save it with an annul / go back to previous steps. 5. Craft Craft Suffixes Cannot be Changed, reforge speed. This is guaranteed Faster Projectiles. If you fill prefixes, try to save it with an annul, or go back to previous steps. If you have two open prefixes, block something and slam and hope that you hit a good life roll. If you have infinite money, you could keep crafting prefixes until you hit something good. Otherwise, go to step 6. 6. Craft +1 to Socketed Projectile Gems/Additional Pierce. You're done! Wand:
Desired affixes: + +1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems + +1 to Level of all Lightning Spell Skill Gems + T1 Added Lightning Damage to Spells + T2+ Projectile Speed + Good Betrayal Suffix (Double Damage, Crit Multi, Cast Speed) + Crafted Cast Speed / Crit Multi / Double Damage Note: Gem levels can be swapped with T1 Spell Damage or T1 Lightning Damage. It's only 1-2% less damage and will make the craft easier. Recombinator Method (the difficult but technically higher damage method) 0. Show ilvl 84 Pagan Wands on your filter. This base only has 4% less increased cast speed than Profane Wands but 119 lower intelligence requirement. This build has a hard time getting that much intelligence. 1. Alt spam wands for desired prefixes. 2. Recombine wands that have T1 Added Lightning with those that have +1 to Lightning Spells until you hit one with both mods. 3. Take the wand you made in step 2. Clean suffixes. Multimod with exclusive mods and add a beast suffix. Take a wand with +1 all Spells (or Runic/Esh's), multimod with exclusive mods and add a beast suffix. Recombine these wands. If you hit all three desired prefixes, continue to step 4. If you failed but hit the rare prefix (Magister's, Runic, Esh's) and another desired prefix, then this step will be easier next time (you can do AB + BC). Continue to spam alts and recombinate wands until you hit the three desired prefixes. 4. Craft Prefixes cannot be Changed, reforge speed until you hit at least T2 Projectile Speed with two open suffixes. If there's another dead suffix, you can stop here and settle, or craft Prefixes Cannot be Changed and do a 50/50 annul. If you fill suffixes, just annul and pray. 5 (non-settle). Craft Multimod and Prefixes Cannot be Changed. Use a Veiled Orb and hope you hit the 2/3 chance to remove a crafted mod. If you succeed, remove crafted mods, craft x Damage Over Time Multiplier or Damage Per x Charge to block, and then unveil a desired suffix. 6. Craft Cast Speed / Crit Multi / Double Damage. Enchant and you're done. The Fractured Prefix Method (also difficult) 1. Obtain a desirable wand base with fractured +1 all skills, +1 lightning Skills, or T1 Spell/Lightning % Damage. 2. Spam Deafening Essences of Torment or Deafening Essences of Woe until you hit three desired prefixes. 3. Follow steps 4-6 in the above craft. The Easy Method (I didn't know about this until I already crafted one the hard way) 1. Obtain a desirable wand base with fractured T2+ projectile speed. You can also do this on a clean wand but you will have to lock prefixes and reforge speed as in the above crafts. 2. Spam Deafening Essences of Woe and annuls until you hit T1 Added Lightning Damage to Spells with an open prefix and open suffix. 3a. If you started from a fractured wand, make sure there is only one open suffix (block prefix and exalt if necessary). Craft Cannot Roll Attack Mods. Harvest add/remove lightning for a guaranteed +1 to all Lightning Spells. If you remove a prefix, go back to step 2. If you remove a suffix, proceed to step 4a. 3b. If you started from a clean wand, clean suffixes, Multimod Prefixes Cannot Be Changed and Cannot Roll Attack Mods. Harvest add/remove lightning for a guaranteed +1 to all Lightning Spells. This step cannot fail. Proceed to step 4b. 4a. Clean suffixes, craft Prefixes Cannot Be Changed. Veiled Orb. Craft x Damage Over Time Multiplier or Damage Per x Charge to block, and then unveil a desired suffix. Craft Cast Speed / Crit Multi / Double Damage. Enchant and you're done. 4b. The same method as steps 4-6 in the recombinator method. Amulet:
Note: My amulet did not follow these instructions exactly. I just got very lucky on the Essence spam step. Desired affixes: + +1 to Level of all Lightning Skill Gems + T1 Life + T1 Cast Speed + T1 Crit Multi 1. Obtain a desirable amulet base (int or int-hybrid) with fractured T1 Life, T1 Cast speed, or T1 Crit Multi. 2. Spam Deafening Essences of Scorn or Zeal until you hit T1 Life, T1 Cast Speed and T1 Crit Multi. We need an open suffix and at least 1 open prefix, use annuls if you need to. 3. Craft Cannot Roll Attack Mods. Harvest Add/Remove Lightning. This will guarantee +1 to Lightning Gems, but may remove a desired mod. Repeat Steps 2-3 until you're happy with the result. 4. Craft Projectile Speed if you end up with an open prefix, or minimum frenzy / whatever you need if you end up with an open suffix. Note: You could also probably craft a very nice amulet with recombinators. Another Note: A Simplex or Focused Amulet would probably be better if you're in trade or can be bothered to spend a week in heist. Rings:
Note: Ideally you'd use a synthesised ring with 8% increased maximum life, but Vermillion is fine. Desired affixes: + T1 Life + T1 Cast Speed + T1 Crit Multi Just be Lucky Method: 1. Spam Deafening Essences of Scorn until you hit the desired mods. 2. Craft whatever you want (Minimum frenzy is best damage). Fracture Method: 1. Spam Deafening Essences of Scorn until you hit 4 mods and 25% crit multi. 2. Fracture the essence mod. 3. Spam Deafening Essences of Zeal until you hit T1 Life. 4. Craft whatever you want (Minimum frenzy is best damage). Recombinator Method: 0. Acquire a lot of Vermillion Rings. ilvl does not matter. If you're in SSF, beast split them because they're pretty rare. 1. Use Deafening Essences of Scorn and annuls until the essence mod is the only suffix. On other rings, reforge caster and use annuls until you hit T1 Cast Speed as the only suffix. On other rings, reforge life and use annuls until you hit T1 Life with no suffixes. 2. Recombine rings until you get one with all the desired affixes. There's no way to improve your odds here since the essence mod is exclusive. 3. Craft whatever you want (Minimum frenzy is best damage). Boots:
Note: We want a hybrid Dex/Str base instead of pure Dex for a lower stat requirement in order to fit more projectile speed tattoos into the build. Desired affixes: + T1 Life + T2+ Movement Speed + T2+ Suppress or T2+ Resistance + T2+ Resistance + Open Suffix or T2+ Resistance Recombinator method: 0. Acquire a lot of ilvl 84+ boots on a nice Evasion/Armour base. 1. Spam Random Deafening Essences that give T1 Resistance until you hit at least two desired mods. 2. Combine boots until you hit all the desired mods. Only use the multimod strat on 3+ mod items without dead affixes. 3. Craft hybrid resist if you have an open suffix. Exalt if you have an open prefix. 4. Finish with Action Speed and Poison Avoidance on the Eldritch implicits. Future-proof method: 0. Acquire a decent boot base with ilvl 84+ and fractured T1 life or T2+ movement speed. 1. Spam Random Deafening Essences that give T1 Resistance until you hit the desired mods. Or use eldritch currency at your own discretion. 2. Craft hybrid resist if you have an open suffix. Exalt if you have an open prefix. 3. Finish with Action Speed and Poison Avoidance on the Eldritch implicits. Or just ask Rog nicely. Helmet:
Note: We want a hybrid Dex/Str base instead of pure Dex for a lower stat requirement in order to fit more projectile speed tattoos into the build. Desired affixes: + T1 Life + T1 Hybrid Life + T2+ Intelligence + T2+ Resistance + Open Suffix or T2+ Resistance Recombinator method: 0. Acquire a lot of ilvl 85+ helmets on a nice Evasion/Armour base. 1. Spam Random Deafening Essences that give T1 Resistance until you hit at least two desired mods. 2. Combine helmets until you hit all the desired mods. Only use the multimod strat on 3+ mod items without dead affixes. 3. Craft hybrid resist if you have an open suffix. Exalt if you have an open prefix. 4. Finish with Lightning Penetration and Cast Speed on the Eldritch implicits. Future-proof method: 0. Acquire a decent helmet base with ilvl 84+ and fractured T1 life or T1 hybrid life. 1. Spam Random Deafening Essences that give T1 Resistance until you hit the desired mods. Or use eldritch currency at your own discretion. 2. Craft hybrid resist if you have an open suffix. Exalt if you have an open prefix. 4. Finish with Lightning Penetration and Cast Speed on the Eldritch implicits. Or just ask Rog nicely. Cluster Jewels:
8-passive Lightning: Desired affixes: + Doryani's Lesson + Storm Drinker + Overshock 1. Spam Metallic Fossils. Use Exalts/Annuls on promising two-mod outcomes. 4-5-passive Projectile: Desired affixes: + Repeater + Streamlined x1 / Aerodynamics x1 Note: 2 Pierces feels just right for clear. We get one here and one on the gloves. 1. Harvest reforge speed. This is a very common outcome. Normal Jewels:
Desired affixes: + Maximum Life + Crit Multi or Cast Speed + Crit Multi or Cast Speed Note: A Corrupted Blood immunity jewel is mandatory. Buy one if you're in trade or farm the Lachrymal Necrosis card to try and get a decent one. 0. Find a jewel with a decent fracture. 1. Spam Harvest Reforge Crit or Reforge Life until you hit the desired affixes. Exalt. Build Decisions, Tips and Tricks, Alternatives, etc...
Playing with Dissolution of the Flesh
Dissolution of the Flesh is a mandatory item for this build. It gives us a large chunk of life, but is also the reason why we can use Rathpith without instantly dying to random hits. Defensively, you have to approach the game in a different way and that may be a no-go for some people. You need to be ready to teleport away from the action and wait for 2 seconds until your life is unreserved. Evasion and immunity to damaging ailments is very important since any damage will interrupt our "unreserving". Evasion gear, an evasion flask, CB immunity, elemental ailment immunity, bleed mitigation with steelskin, poison immunity (from boots implicit, evasion mastery, and tattoos), and burning ground immunity are all things that are going to make this build feel better. Desecrated ground and "The Maven Interferes with Players" map mods should be rolled over. Petrified Blood
As long as we have enough life sustain to counter the life degeneration, Petrified Blood is a very strong defensive aura. In addition to mitigating damage, it has a nice synergy with Dissolution of the Flesh: damage above half-life will be reserved as normal, and if the character's life becomes fully reserved, the life-reserving auras will be automatically turned off*, further increasing our EHP. *Occasionally, I've had deaths where the auras were not turned off. I don't think it's probable for the PB degen to exceed -1,000 life per second, which the build should be able to out-recover. So I'm not sure what's causing this. Maybe it occurs when affected by both the PB degen and a damage over time effect, and for one server tick, the life lost per tick exceeds the maximum unreserved life? Just a guess. Beware Maven, Exarch, and Sirus
Maven, Uber Maven, The Searing Exarch, Uber Exarch, Sirus, and Uber Sirus all have mechanics that disable life recovery and can be difficult to avoid. If you are degenerating life from Petrified Blood, you will instantly die. Turn off Petrified Blood for these fights. Likewise for the T17 map mods Area Contains Patches of Awakener's Desolation, and Area Contains Runes of the Searing Exarch. Is Mageblood Necessary?
Maybe not but you'd have to solve a lot of problems: - You'd lose 800-900 life regeneration from the flask craft, which is needed to be able to keep up with the cast rate and to counter the PB degen. Maybe pick up Eternal Youth, but it would be uncomfortable to deadly if the recharge ever gets interrupted. - You'd lose a lot of evade chance. Maybe run Grace instead of Wrath in maps. - You'd have to find another way to get ailment immune. Probably shock avoid on boots or the abyss jewel in your stygian vise. - You'd lose a good chunk of suppress. You could get this back from suffixes on helmets/boots, or ditch Lethal Pride for Magebane. - More stretched for resistances on gear Unique Flask Choices
- Bottled Faith: Best damage, and life regen from consecrated ground is nice. - The Wise Oak, Vessel of Vinktar, Atziri's Promise: All reasonable choices for some extra damage and defense - Progenesis: Substantially increases EHP and max-hit in theory, but you need a lot more life recovery/recoup to make it work. - Oriath's End: Improved clear. Haven't tried this yet - unsure how good it is since we don't scale AoE or generic elemental damage. - Divination Distillate: 50% increased rarity. Nice synergy with Rathpith. Further Upgrades
- Awakened Lightning Penetration and Awakened Spell Echo. Definitely buy these if you're in trade. - Good Watcher's Eye. Precision Crit Multi / Wrath Penetration / Wrath Crit Chance would be best. - Useful corruption implicits on Kaom's Heart, Rathpith, and jewels. - Simplex/Focused Amulet - Reflected Jewelery The Apostate vs Kaom's Heart
You should be able to push the life total slightly higher if you use The Apostate with well crafted ES gear. The Helmet and Boot slot would become much more difficult to craft and you'd lose a good chunk of evasion/armor. For such minimal gains, I don't think it's worth the trouble. Leaguestart?
No. Well, you could probably start as a "normal" deadeye spark build, path to the top side of the tree and scale it like Tricksters do, if you like bad builds. Leveling?
You can start sparking after Hillock. It's pretty comfy with twink gear. Bow leveling is faster of course. I go by dobsonian or dobs on the internet - my account name here is old. Reach out here or in-game if you have any questions or suggestions for the build. Last edited by RogueDoge#6703 on Sep 20, 2024, 7:20:12 PM Last bumped on Sep 15, 2024, 7:48:44 PM
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