Auto targeting is way too aggressive!!

We need the option to manually aim our abilities with significantly reduced or removed assistance. It is legitimately annoying to be aiming at and enemy and have it shoot a target not even remotely in the same direction. Also for ground targeted spells why not have an option for manual aiming with a translucent indicator on where you are aiming the ground effect. Poe1 actually has this where you can manually aim ground targeted abilities based on how far in a direction you are pushing the stick but most people don't realize this because there is no indicator. Would really appreciate being able to control my character. Thx for the awesome game ggg! Keep at it.
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 10:40:09 PM
No idea why I don't see more people talking about this.

It' way too aggressive and it would be good of we had the option to set how strong it is.

Game's already great, that would takesinglehandedly take the experience to a new level.
Hey there,

I needed to learn the controller use on PS5 for poe2 new and actually relativ ok with it.
I played around with the option to stick aiming stick or not. You can switch it with an action bar command. Now I‘m mostly using sticky so I can walk freely without losing target. The bombs from merc are mostly landing on a good spot. Maybe this option can help you?
Seconding this, it doesn't affect me often on melee but sometimes my character will do a big hit in a direction not intended, I can't have my thumb on the right stick to aim while having a skill on the square button for example, mainly though the targeting is just too aggressive, and the ability to have a true twin-stick style free aim would be ideal, at least for ranged stuff. Huge agree on the game being awesome.
Completely agree. It doesn't need to be so sticky, especially on focus mode. That's why I picked focus mode, so I can potentially shoot past an enemy to a boss.
We need same control than pc< i hate auto aim< sometime you want to turn your back in ennemi throhgt trap or grenade and ennemi got hit folowing you, the command on pc hancontrol are fine< option to get the same would be fine< i think it was fine in beginning then it become awfull after early patch
I agree it is way too aggressive. Nothing feels worse in a video game then not having control of your character. Even KBM has this targeting and it feels horrible. I love POE and was so hyped for this game but I cannot play like this. It feels sticky and slow and unresponsive. It does not feel like Path of Exile. Movement in an ARPG has to be fluid.
Yes please GGG. Auto targeting feels nice sometimes, like when you're walking backwards and using ranged abilities; but other than that it feels horrible. As a Ranger I'd say about 20% of my attacks go to the wrong target. PoE1 ranged attacks felt perfect
The other joystick allows for manual aiming but the auto targeting is still too aggressive. Sometimes there will be a target right in front of me and it breaks target to aim for an enemy behind me or way off in the distance. Targeting should always prioritize the nearest target and manual aiming should override it. If it was really good it would also be able to stick on an enemy that is near death. At least for Mercenary.
Last edited by Madder#7577 on Dec 9, 2024, 2:34:30 AM
Amen it is bonkers the range it tried to target you towards

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