[EA] Spark Stormweaver - Mana Stacking Archmage MoM+CI - freezing/electrocution

Update: After further testing and considerations with conversion and scaling, I've made 2 versions: Three dragons freeze and Kitoko's current electrocute. Both try to do the same thing, just with different approaches. it's early days, but kitoko's seems to be a winner, given we can shock AND stun

Hi guys,

There doesn't seem to be a great deal of info out yet (and Foridesign just threw in the towel with their stormweaver guide), so I thought I'd make my own guide based on my experiences so far. Feel free to add feedback and we can treat this like a very rough, collaborative work in progress. As a PoE player since 2016, I'm no stranger to GGG's design philosophy and unique approach to depth and difficulty, so hopefully I can use what I've learned from countless leagues of PoE1 to make something worthwhile in PoE 2. This is my first guide though, so bear with me.

So what is it?
We're going to make a sorceress who uses spark as her primary; a great skill with excellent clear speeds that fills the screen with lightning. However, it's single target is prettt bad, so we are also going with a ball lightning trigger as our single target killer. We'll stack as much mana as possible to use the mind over matter keystone to give ourselves a fast charging and chunky defence layer, while using the archmage more mana=more damage gem to boost our damage through the roof! Because archmage gives us extra lightning damage, it makes sense to go all in on lightning skills and leverage every +lightning dmg node, exposure and any other tech to really boost the dmg. Finally, given sorc's surrounding node and int equipment, it makes sense for us to go all in on energy shield instead of life, which means we don't even need life at all and can get the Chaos innoculation keystone, making us completely immune to the only source of damage that can penetrate energy shield! Also, we're using the call of the brotherhood unique ring to convert 100% of our damage to cold, proccing massive freezes 24/7

+ Great clear
+ Late game gets tanky
+ flexible skill options
+ so many synergies!
+ Easy playstyle

- you be squishy at the start
- needs a few respecs to feel good early to mid
- weak single target at the start
- CI is gear very dependent

- Shock should be fairly up to date.
- I've stopped using the three dragons and trigger spells, so those will be outdated - I've left them in there for anyone who is interested, maybe you can use it to cobble together your own fork and make a new guide.


Oh boy.

This build seems to struggle a bit in the early stages, mainly with single target - which is a problem when GGG have decided to make this game so heavily centred around boss gated power.

It's not too bad though, and you can get around it with a bit of the ol' grinding and by tailoring your equipment for the boss' dmg type with charms etc.

Levelling skills:

(Early Game)

You basically want to go for the wombo combo of Spark, flame wall and orb of storms.

Spark - pierce - unleash/arcane tempo - wildshards

This is our main skill and you'll be spamming it all day, every day. Use unleash if you feel like the boss dps windows are low and you're spending most of your time dodging, but arcfane tempo is great for speeding up our casts and getting more lightning on the floor. If you manage to find an ex, immediately go on trade chat and try to buy an uncut support gem III for wildshards - it gives us a 20% chance to fire off 8 more sparks each cast, with the downside being they come out in a circle (not a downside for us, as sparks go where they please in any case and there's no point aiming them.)

Orb of Storms - overabundance - controlled destruction

Overabundance lets us get 2 OOS out and double it's dps, with the downside not mattering, because they expire from shooting all their bolts out long b efore the timer expires. Controlled destruction makers em hit harder - you wont crit all that much early game anyway. It's a bit annoying trying to stay in the circles, but it still fires off, even if you don't.

Flame Wall - Fortress

Any spark that goes through youre flame wall adds a decent chunk of fire damage. Every. Spark. Early game before you've honed in on boosting lightning damage on your gear/tree, this is a significant dmg boost and easy to sustain.


Arctic Armor - Clarity

strictly speaking, it's not a great defensive layer, but you wont get another spirit gem for a while, so it's the best choice we can make. You can use grim feast for ES, but early on you probably wont have much es anyway, and I don't like having to do the D4 "run around collecting orbs" style gameplay. If you have extra spirit, whack clarity on there to avoid mana issues. As soon as you can though, replace it with...

Cast on shock - Arc - Chain

As soon as you get a lvl 8 spirit gem, replace artic armor with this baby and watch the damage soar.

Conductivity - Heightened curse - Persistence

goes without saying. We want it staying on as long as possible, because the mana cost is high, and we want it to make the bosses as vulnerable as possible.

Other considerations:

I've seen a few people suggesting Arc, Ember fusillade, sun orb and SRS - I tried out EF and sun orb, but didn't feel like they did much more than spamming spark with OOS up. Same with Arc, although Arc is more consistent over distance, as less sparks will hit the further you are away. I also found EF had targetting issues at a distance. Spark is actually really deadly to bosses though, if you can get right up next to them+a wall and go ham.

SRS flamewall is an interesting one though, as I've played with a few people who were levelling with it and got decent results, even without any minion nodes on the tree, but I didn't get another spirit gem drop til act 3, so by then it wasn't useful.

Skill Trees

Early Game

We rush the dmg nodes and the 4% dmg taken from mana first, with the least amount of points wasted on travel nodes. We'll need to respec this later, but it's worth tjhe gold to not feel completely gimped early game.


Ok, we got ourselves an ascendancy or two, which means 24/7 arcane surge. You may/may not have a few mana issues, depending on your gear, so you can be a bit flexy with the mana regen nodes. the key here is to set ourselves up to get ready for MoM, while also moving our tree around to get those crucial multi projectile casts, cast speed and proj speed.

End Game electro - kitoko's

MoM works really well with CI, especially because we're surrounded by ES nodes. This is a heavy work in progress. This is an older tree for the shock only variant

End game cold: three dragons

This is where it's at - plenty of very cool nodes thar do things like ignore resists for frozen enemies while bringing them the pain. A fair few nodes are in there just to give ample frost buildup, so that we can hopefully maintain near permafreeze on many bosses.

End game gems - shock

Spark - pierce - inspiration - arcane tempo - acceleration - lightning pen (multi target)

Archmage - Clarity - lightning mastery

enfeeble + conductivity - heightened curse+duration on one, cursed groud+hexboom on the other

elemental storm - lightning exposure - strip away - conduction - controlled destruction (basically an AoE exposure delivery system. auto procs off spark with a mini aoe, good qol)

sigil of power - magnified - ingenuity just get a staff with this and put it in your second weapon set, so that you set your skills to keep casting with your damage wand.

flame wall - fortress - spell cascade (good little boost to spark damage)

Frost wall - font of mana - spell echo (great utility spell to block rares with dangerous affixes from reaching us, while also giving our mana a boost. you can use orb of storm instead for mana font if you prefer it)

If mana isn't an issue:

Mana Tempest - premedetation - murderous intent

Thanks to X3n for this one. Gives a good damage boost at will with culling strike being super helpful.

End game gems - Three Dragons

Spark - pierce - inspiration - arcane tempo - acceleration - wildshards

Archmage - Clarity

Cast of freeze - comet - impetus - spell cascade - magnified effect - energy retention CoF has been nerfed. I find it proccs every second pack, but needs impetus and energy retnetion+meta skills energy nodes on the tree to be remotely useful

Mana Tempest - premedetation - murderous intent

conductivity - heightened curse - duration + enfeeble - hexbloom

Orb of storms - mana font - magnified effect - glaciation - overabundance -electrocute

frost wall - ingenuity - icicle - spell echo help to block big packs and lay a little extra dmg on bosses


8 + 9 are mandatory to get archmage and MoM feeling consistent.

shock build
- 2 + 1 gives us elemental storm as a reliable applicator for exposure - this is a big damage multiplier

Cold build
- 6 + 7. Shock's back on the menu, boys! Best of both worlds right here. before you get the 4th ascendancy, run 1 instead then respec.


Get a weapon with +1/2/3/4/5/6 to lightning/all skill gems asap - This will be our biggest dmg boost. Next, look for high rolls of spell/cold/ele dmg. After that, cast speed is always nice for spark. Since we're mana stacking, extra mana/regen helps too. It doesn't matter whether it's a wand or staff, but keep in mind wand allows us to run a shield with +1/2 skill gems and some extra affixes, so it is heavily preferred. It also allows you to run a scpeter in your offhand if you need extra spirit.

Get a staff with Sigil of Power and put it in your second weapon set. It doesn't amtter about the stats, because we arent casting with it. Now you can assign all your skills except sigil to your wand and when you cast sigil, then any of your spell, it'll auto switch between the staff and your damage wand as necessary. Standing in the circle gives us a massive damage boost.

I had lots of luck checking vendors after every level up and also gambling for these

early game, just go for life + resists

Once you get MoM, you can move from +life affixes pure es instead in preparation for CI. Mid game, run a life/es hybrid build, aiming for 1k each.

try to get boots with 15%+ movespeed, it's very important in PoE2 now that we don't have movement skills

Also, scaling rarity now works for currency, which means big profits for anyone who has a free affix they wanna roll rarity into

Again, early just go for life+resists. Keep in mind you can get a spirit roll on amulets which will allow you to run clarity early/maybe even a skelly or two for meat shielding.

Go for a +1/2 all spell skill gems amulet for more boosts and try to get a decent 80+ mana roll on it.


Core build enablers

the everlasting gaze amulet - great ES builder for all the mana we already got.

Kitoko's current Makes all our shocks eletrocute, getting the similar permastun effect that we get from freeze, plus it frees up our helm for es stacking and allows us to shock again!

end game

Dream Fragments Sapphire Ring - the tankiest option, adding heaps of extra mana and therefore energy shield - very expensive

Ingenuity belt - 40-80% increased ring values is great because rings can roll affixes that belts can't, such as cast speed. It laos means that the 150+mana on each ring can be nearly doubled. this is massive and also expensive.

Mahuxotl's Machination Omen Crest Shield massively improves soul cores. if you can get a corrupt 3 socket version with a 500%+ roll and put in 3 mana soul cores, it's a huge survivability boost.

Melting Maelstrom Ultimate Mana Flask massive mana boost, while also totally filling our mana. this is great, as there's no other flask that can keep up with our massive mana pool.


The Three Dragons helm allows all our shocks to freeze, then we can use cast on freeze+comet+impetus+spell cascade+magnified effect - this thing absolutely destroys in clear and has the added benefits of freeze safety. It's a cheap helm, so this is a budget friendly way to gear up towards a pseudo cold conversion(Thank you to Rakujan!)

I'll add more/uniques later as we discover more. I would hazard a guess and say the class goldrim/lifesprig/wanderlusts will prbably be greeat early on if you're lucky enough to find em.


These can be quite big power bumps and there's a few different ways you can use these.

1. pierce gems - annoint your ammy with 40% pierce and get the rest from a few 15-20% pierce jewels frees up a spark socket and basically gives us a pseudo 7 link. pretty great, but the annoint and the pierce affix are quite pricey.

2. max ES, regen and delay - great defensive affixes and a solid pick

3. proj speed/damage, lightning/spell/elemental damage, cast speed, duration - good dps affixes


prism of relief - spark (good luck, expensive af)

from nothing - a good location could get us some really chunky boosts to lightning damage from other parts of the tree that would normally be inaccessible to path to.

against the darkness - if you can get one with a maximum mana roll or/and max intelligence roll, it'll do wonders for your tankiness, but both combined will be very expensive

Last edited by theherbalist#5190 on Dec 30, 2024, 2:43:07 AM
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 12:01:53 PM
great builds was curious how its working in practice. also what weapons and how do you get enough spirit.
HC Ranger Build
SneakZ89#1572 wrote:
great builds was curious how its working in practice. also what weapons and how do you get enough spirit.

I've added some info on weapons in the gear section.

As far as spirit goes, you get some in the campaign for boss kills. if you're struggling early game, you might need to snag an amulet with spirit or at a push, run a scepter in off hand. You can also get spirit rolls on chest armor pieces, too.
Last edited by theherbalist#5190 on Dec 8, 2024, 10:35:22 PM
Very interesting! Don't you need Eldritch battery?
Is it confirmed that MoM actually works with CI?
Correct me if I am wrong, but afaik it didn't work at poe1, because MoM desc says something like 'damage taken from mana before LIFE'. And since ES isn't a life, it didn't work.
Is it confirmed that MoM actually works with CI?
Correct me if I am wrong, but afaik it didn't work at poe1, because MoM desc says something like 'damage taken from mana before LIFE'. And since ES isn't a life, it didn't work.

I don't know whether it works or not but even if it doesn't cover ES, it now applies to all (hit) damage before life, meaning that in theory it still protects the 1 life you have until you run out of mana too, unless it's from a dot.
colinxin#7677 wrote:
Very interesting! Don't you need Eldritch battery?

From what I've read, it's not currently working properly.
So, I presume as we hit Arcane Surge nodes we switch to Spark - Pierce - Arcane tempo - Arcane Surge ?

Never mind. Only now got to see the Ascendancy, lol.
Last edited by WonderfulGreg#5559 on Dec 9, 2024, 2:59:29 AM
Not using Mana Tempest on a literal mana stacking lightning build is... a choice?

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