Portal Keybind

I changed my portal key bind to 8 while playing with WASD input. When swapping to a controller input, Portal was no longer on my contorller skill bar and there doesn't seem to be a way to bind it, locking me out of using portals entirely.
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 3:52:24 AM
Missing for me too on all new characters
Either this was fixed or I missed it, but if you bring up the radial menu and select the 6 o'clock option, you can bind portal just fine.
I also don't have a portal when I create a new character and use a controller. But when I connect by changing the options (keyboard and mouse) the portal is there.
I don't have the portal option only when I play with a controller.
And this since the patch that introduced the control points (or check points in English?) on the maps.
Myridinn#0552 wrote:
I don't have the portal option only when I play with a controller.

I can't speak to how the binding used to work, but it is available to be set to a skill binding currently. The method could use more direct access, perhaps.

Pull up your inventory, then navigate to the Skills screen. Select any skill, press the button for "Set Skill Bind", then Cancel. This brings up the skill binding interface, where you can navigate to any skill binding and select what that binding will activate.

You aren't limited to binding skills with this. Other default bindings like Potions, Interact, Toggle Weapon Set, and of course Town Portal can also be set this way.
I did and it works.
Thank you very much for the help

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