Defeat Ketzuli In Party ~ only one player got credit

So I KILLED Ketzuli with my friend. He was on the platform when it rose up, I wasn't. He got credit for completion, I didn't. He got the cutscene with gateway, I didn't. I now have to fight the boss again and ramp all the way through.
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 4:53:31 PM
Same thing happened to me. Co-op partner went and put the inscribed ultimatum in after we beat ketzuli, and I was looking at one of the items he had dropped. Platform started rising, and I wasn’t on it. My screen went black, and then I guess after they got the cutscene, I didn’t get it.

Screen went from black back to me being in the boss chamber, the platform seems reset, but an invisible barrier is preventing me from going into the center.

My quest still says place the inscribed ultimatum, with seemingly no way to do it, without redoing the whole temple and boss again.

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